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Marcus unleashed

Marcus unleashed's avatar

Last Login: 10/28/2010 11:44 pm

Registered: 01/18/2009

Gender: Male

Birthday: 04/06

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Nicknames: Marcus, Marc
Age: 19
Enjoys: Anything Art related, Writing stories, roleplaying, learning new things, reading, cooking, anime, manga ect.
Favourite Animals: Dogs, Snakes, Cheetahs.
Favourite Foods: Chiken, noodles
Favourite Drinks: Cream soda, tea, bubble tea, pina coladas.
Is fond of: Cold, Rain, Asia, Scottland, Creating characters, Night, Moon, Computer, Flowers, Purple and Silver, Clouds, Fun, Laughing, Autumn, The sky, Daydreaming, making up just about anything, General improve, Non-Jugementals, Weird, Ghosts, ect.
Not fond of: Text talk, Bugs, Spiders, Hot weather/Summer, Sweating, People who are too kind/ Innocent, Snobs, People that don't admit to being wrong/ apologize for wrong doings, Judging from a first meeting, ect.

I'm a pretty friendly person. I am social on the internet but in real life I'm more of the anti-social, except with my friends. I am from Canada and have Clinical Depression, Generalized Anxiety and Social Anxiety. I am Pretty mood swingy and I get quickly aggitated when people do something that annoys me. I suppose I am just Short tempered. Anyway, I am also a art student in Sheridan College. :3

I absolutly adore roleplaying and daydreaming. Speaking of dreams I have the best in the world! My dreams are fully epic and full of win! No one can top them. I am a person of the night. I will consider myself a vampire at times. Please, don't shoot me for that. I love the moon, taste of blood, awake at night, have really sharp canine teeth that are a bit longer than normal and have vampire eyes according to some websites. Yes! I love vampires. XD

My top videogames would have to be:

1. The kingdomhearts series
2. Tales of the Abyss
3. Tales of Symphonia
4. Tales of Symphonia Dawn of a new era
5. Persona 3

My top anime/ Manga would have to be:

1. Saiyuki series [both anime and manga]
2. Fushigi yugi series [anime and both manga series]
3. Angel Sanctuary [Manga]
4. Digimon Data Squad [Anime
5. La Esperanca [Manga]

If you would like to know anything else feel free to leave a comment. :3

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Happy Sparky Report | 04/05/2010 5:45 am
Happy Sparky
Happy birthday. c:
MiiNiih Report | 04/05/2010 5:02 am
HAPPY BiRTHDAY .. smile )
Happy Sparky Report | 11/29/2009 2:39 am
Happy Sparky
Awww...I'll just eat you for breakfast then! c:<
Happy Sparky Report | 11/28/2009 2:59 am
Happy Sparky
Aww...That means I would never get the chance
to force you to dress in drag.
B-but...You promised! T.T
Happy Sparky Report | 11/27/2009 5:47 am
Happy Sparky
Marcus! You came back! c:
Chobo Chevalier Report | 09/23/2009 10:15 am
Chobo Chevalier
Sorry to hear you're leaving Gaia, man. Take care.
We Will Not Yield Report | 08/24/2009 8:23 pm
We Will Not Yield
That's fine. Sorry to hear that you're leaving.
I was curious so I wanted to ask. owo
We Will Not Yield Report | 08/24/2009 8:01 pm
We Will Not Yield
Do you still draw pixel arts for customers, if I may ask? o:
Happy Sparky Report | 08/08/2009 6:12 am
Happy Sparky
Oh, no!! :c
Aww...I'm gonna miss you.
How did your art thingy go?
Happy Sparky Report | 08/08/2009 5:36 am
Happy Sparky
Little Marcus, what happened to your avatar?



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