Current obsession song: The Mountain Goats - Beautiful Gas Mask
Alright, so you're here, reading. So apparently you want to know something about Madison. Gods, why would you want to know about Her?
Well here you go: --She reads. She likes reading and will read anything from fanfics ( OTL ) to novels and novellas. Just ask and she can give you a list of what she's read or what she recommends.
--She likes to roleplay and is up for just about anything. You should drop Her a line if you thing it could be fun.
--She is a college kid that GOT her Bachelors in Biochemistry/Chemistry. Masochistic? ... Definitely
--She listens to music quite a bit and is always looking for more. She doesn't discriminate against much as long as it is good music. So suggest away dear fellows.
--She likes conversation and random nattering, even if it's just a venting or a rant. - - Especially about Supernatural and Sherlock.
--She will likely be found at Her current quest thread, The Road So Far.... Just click the link. She would love it if you hung out with her.
--She gets bored... often. Though you won't see Her complaining because She has a great many ways of entertaining Herself and alleviating that boredom. (read: easily amused)
--She decided to capitalize pronouns pertaining to Herself and to dictate in the third person because She thought it would be fun. And it has been so far.
--She hasn't physically checked, but Her circulatory system very likely filled with Tea rather than blood.
And if for some reason you want to know more about Madison, go to the long dead thread:Fates Quest. She has a post there all to Herself about Herself. The thread isn't used at all now. Poor thing is rather dead... but it's got some fun info about Her if you really, really want to know. Creeper.
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