lX Tech NightMaRe Xl

lX Tech NightMaRe Xl's avatar

Birthday: 07/21

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I am someone you may never remember, Who you once saw the day we met. But the truth is in all facts, I became someone you never forget.~
I am who I am, To stick up for people when there gone, To give life when you are sad. I do anything to help my friends as much as I possibly can, For the people who need it, Not want it. I chose the friends I add because I know they mean something important which some may never knew and I want to make there life better then ever can be. My name; Khriste Rozexn. . . . I am 14 and was born on July 21,1997. I might be young but Apparently I act more mature then some people who can be 16..... I give everyone a chance to succeed their Golds to become the one they want to be. I be willing to Donate at anytime I am a very calm, Kind person; I don't bite so it be okay. I enjoy Avatar Art, And poetry when I am alone. I hope I can do all I can to help. I might not be on for I have alot of studying but I do my best to be here for you...

~lX Tech NightMaRe Xl

Been hard getting to know what you can truly do when you have a friend. As much as I can. I take my time to do things for people who need it. Just don't worry about me. I will be fine.
Spirit of Serenity
strawberry kuppycakess
Getriebe des Krieges
Wake Dream


Lost on the road of faded mist,
Remember of that one last kiss,
To look apon the empty sails,
To now I know, You're gone, My tale
From the ocean's flown currents,
The tides splashed our feet,
Just to bring us back up again,
To the life that we have seeked.
Sometimes we sailed into a vast,
Of mist and empty darkness we met.
But the warmth you wraped around,
Was a feeling I will never forget.
A few days have past I searched,
Stand alone apon the empty shore lacs,
'Missing ever part of us,
I saw you, But never came back..
Now alone you cry;
"Forgive me, That's why"
But I was along gone now.
Hurten, Never forgiven, I cry too.
Three years have past,
Since the one of the great vails,
I live to hide this moment.
But alas, This is my tale.

True Friends;
Someone who shall always be here for you when you are down;
When you cry you know there always her to bring you up again;
The happiness they bring when you might even be happy;
And even when you are down you know they be there to bring you up again...

Name: Khriste Rozexn
Age: 14
Gender: I like too see people guess.
Sexuality: I enjoy whatever.
Often Mood: Clam, Happy, Hyper
To be: A Helper, Poet, And Help with people who like Avi Art.
Cosplay/ Or maybe it's me: Insane Demon
Call me whatever. I don't mind.

When you fight, You show your true power. And when you yell, You show your true self. But when you hide, You know you never find me. Don't me scared to talk.~
Don't be afraid, I don't bite.

Broken, Fallen. Emo. Yeah,
Judge me. A Gamer. Pro Glitcher. Games are my life.
Poetry keeps me sane. Test me; You will lose.
I won't let you fall. I will hold on;
Just don't let me down.


I rather watch you fail, Then try to do something you can't do

I will donate if needed. Don't worry. I'm not Greedy.

Gaming is my life. So don't take it away from me. And I won't bother you.

What if you tried to do it all yourself;
Do you think it be the same without her?
Or when you need that hand,
Do you think when no ones there;
No one ever cared?
Let your self go and be who you are. . o.

Is gone from this Account, For any information why that is or Wanting to talk to me again; Add: YuKaRi InSaNiTy ^-^ It nice to see you once again!