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LupaPup's avatar

Last Login: 11/27/2022 12:32 pm

Registered: 02/20/2009

Gender: Female

Location: In Narnia [Real location: Ontario]

Birthday: 04/10/1990

Occupation: Student

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Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 6:47 pm
Renor Aphyon

See? I r has amazing memory.

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 6:14 pm
Renor Aphyon

YUp! He was training her and they sparred for three or four days non stop.

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 5:43 pm
Renor Aphyon

Washing off in a pond.

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 4:49 pm
Renor Aphyon

I do remember it in fact, all of it. Gotta love my memory for good RP's.

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 4:44 pm
Renor Aphyon

Mine follow all the rules as well, I am currently kinda playing one with a close friend of mine and I missed him. <3

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 4:32 pm
Renor Aphyon

Lots of Gaian RPers have become enraptured with the mediocre Vampire RP bullshit. It's sickening, I am one of the few who actually have an actual OC that has some sort o character development to its back story. And an actual back story that is actually well written and put together. Not the mysterious bullshit you see almost every profile with the Mary Sues and all those pathetic attempts at creative literature.

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 4:25 pm
Renor Aphyon

Sure I'm game for that, and he's fine thankfully despite the situation involving him. Thanks for asking.

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 4:23 pm
Renor Aphyon

Ah, yes they have. I am currently involved in a guild RP from years back and a private one. That's about it for me. And I had a boy last year, named Blake.

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 4:20 pm
Renor Aphyon

My little girl? And yes I still RP and still play Xun'e and forever will. And once I can I will make you a new one dear.

Renor Aphyon Report | 12/14/2011 4:16 pm
Renor Aphyon

Well s**t hit the fan for me in my lie, so I had to vanish but now I'm back. I can make you a new one if you want by the way.


About Me!


Hiya! I'm Lupa, I'm nineteen. [April 11, 1990] I'm mostly here for role-playing. Same with the majority of my friends. I've probably been on Gaia for about five years. I've been role-playing for about eight years.

Right now in my life I'm working to save up for college where I hope to take a course in teaching. I've been working as an assistant teacher through a co-op program, I did it for a year and a half, and I found it rather enjoyable. [I was teaching grade 9's and 10's] I hope to get into English teaching, because as much fun as teaching art was I defiantly prefer English.

As for role-plays I do enjoy, anything medieval or fantasy based, I enjoy good -vampire- role-plays. [Notice I said -vampire- and not meyerpire, I have nothing against Meyer's books, I found them enjoyable, until they started to sparkle.] I enjoy others as well, although I am horrible at series based role-plays. If you have any ideas, please contact me over PMs or comments, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

As for limits in a role-play. Everything has it's place, violence, romance all that stuff. However, I do not want to start with a full out auto-romance, unless that is part of the plot. Love takes time, there's no way around it, although, I have found danger normally pushes characters together.

My journal has a few plots in it, or will once I fix everything, I'll also have a characters post and just some avatars and random posts of well...random. Also! I have a question on my profile that I change every so often, please if you do comment on my profile answer the question, I enjoy hearing every ones thoughts.

If you could be any animal, which animal would you be and why?




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Plots, characters, avatars, random stuff


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