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Lunar Lord Solus

Lunar Lord Solus's avatar

Last Login: 07/25/2012 9:10 pm

Registered: 10/21/2006

Gender: Male

Location: My Castle


I am Lunar Lord Solus, Ruler of all demons of the night, and creatures rejected by those of the day


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Lord Darkscale Report | 02/24/2019 4:58 pm
Lord Darkscale
Sorry about that sir. It posted 3 times for 1 post.
Lord Darkscale Report | 02/24/2019 4:55 pm
Lord Darkscale
It's time to wake up Ancient Vampire. Sir, your people calls for you. -Stabs a hole in your arm. Attached an IV connected with human blood.- Hopefully you are revive. The vampires are weak without you.
Lord Darkscale Report | 02/24/2019 4:54 pm
Lord Darkscale
It's time to wake up Ancient Vampire. Sir, your people calls for you. -Stabs a hole in your arm. Attached an IV connected with human blood.- Hopefully you are revive. The vampires are weak without you.
Lord Darkscale Report | 02/24/2019 4:52 pm
Lord Darkscale
It's time to wake up Ancient Vampire. Sir, your people calls for you. -Stabs a hole in your arm. Attached an IV connected with human blood.- Hopefully you are revive. The vampires are weak without you.
Archfiend Power Report | 12/30/2014 9:28 am
Archfiend Power
2 years of no lunar on gaia? What has happen to you and goddess? Two love birds suppose to be together forever.
Dark Gameeater Report | 05/14/2012 9:50 pm
Dark Gameeater
I'm not gameeater_01. Just a protect of him. And it seems some newer fake vampire lord. Is taking over gaia. Or trying to. Tell you what big vampire lord. You claim to be a vampire lord. And yet you haven't protect your subjects. You claim to protect creatures of the night. Now go protect gamey. He right below my comment. Or haven't you notice him and his guild has the same name now. He is a loyal friend of yours. Awaken vampire. It's time to clean gaia's house. Time for you to stand up. And take control once more. Or fall forever into the darkness.
xx The Underworld xx Report | 03/01/2012 7:48 pm
xx The Underworld xx

Mortal you stand before one of the great vampire leaders. Lunar Lord Solus. And You have the nerve to ask who he is? Be gone with you. This man is a true vampire lord not some weak mind child. All Hail Lunar Lord Soulus. All Hail. And the true Vampire Queen Lunar Goddess Lumina. All Hail Lunar Goddess Lumina! You stand before greatness at it's best. Do not anger Lunar Lord Solus or you will face the wrath of the underworld and the master in it. Gameeater_01 will steal your soul.
Evil_Eva78 Report | 07/16/2011 11:30 pm
Where are you sir? .-.
Dark Gameeater Report | 04/17/2011 10:57 pm
Dark Gameeater
Lucifer The Tormentor

Let me donate occu eyes to you. I hate the eyes you have on. I will make you look like your drawing.
Dark Gameeater Report | 03/23/2011 6:29 am
Dark Gameeater
*consumes -I- Virtuous -I- in one bite* *Cruches his legs off* *Spits him out* *then pulls on the nubs where his legs were suppose to be and reforms his legs* * I don't have time for those who are willing to disobey my orders* I don't like the taste of grunts.

Now Lunar my clan has rebuilt it self. Why you not on.


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Cross De Cruor
Lunar Lord Solus

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"Ever get that feeling of impending doom?"