I'm 20, majoring in philosophy, and I would love to be a professor of wisdom. However I'll settle for high school counselor. I also want to be a pin-up model, but that's another story. I'm stoner who abuses her blog, and trolls out of boredom. Most of the time I'm rather too honest I piss people off. I will not accept stupidity or bitchy assholes. OH, and I have art here: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/mystuff/
On July the 4th. heart We would've been together 3 years on that day.
How about you and Pete? heart And sadly during that time of year, Sami's out in Indiana cause her family drags her out there. Miraculously she has been home the first year of our relationship~ I just hope this year she can stay home.. sweatdrop
Oh, it does suck to grow up X3;;; I'm still mentally preparing (or at least trying to).
And yeah you are mixing her with someone else, my girlfriend just decided to quit. But she's back now X3 heart
Florida is the retirement home state, that's what I tell everyone XD! So yeah, can't wait. And as for summer, the only thing I'm looking forward too is my one friend's graduation from highschool and then me and my gf's anniversary. heart
Ooh, sweetheart. I can imagine you are. :c
I can't really relate with anything.. But I can understand when it's been too much on your soul and you just feel empty. I can only say I hope everything runs smoothly for you from now on after the point of your graduation. I'm also congratulating you for graduating! wheeheart
And let's see... Nothing too big on my end, mainly the same. Back and forth from my house to my girlfriend's. It reminds me of how badly I can't wait until we find a place together after we get some decent jobs to back that up. Also wanting to move out of Florida in general XD; Nothing against anyone of my family, Florida has just lost it's pazaz with me. Except Disney. But we can't live ion Disney rofl
But anyway, I've been fairly happy. And my girlfriend is back on Gaia.
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Other than the graduation, any other good news? Like, how's the whole moving thing going?
How about you and Pete? heart And sadly during that time of year, Sami's out in Indiana cause her family drags her out there. Miraculously she has been home the first year of our relationship~ I just hope this year she can stay home.. sweatdrop
And yeah you are mixing her with someone else, my girlfriend just decided to quit. But she's back now X3 heart
Florida is the retirement home state, that's what I tell everyone XD! So yeah, can't wait. And as for summer, the only thing I'm looking forward too is my one friend's graduation from highschool and then me and my gf's anniversary. heart
I can't really relate with anything.. But I can understand when it's been too much on your soul and you just feel empty. I can only say I hope everything runs smoothly for you from now on after the point of your graduation. I'm also congratulating you for graduating! whee heart
And let's see... Nothing too big on my end, mainly the same. Back and forth from my house to my girlfriend's. It reminds me of how badly I can't wait until we find a place together after we get some decent jobs to back that up. Also wanting to move out of Florida in general XD; Nothing against anyone of my family, Florida has just lost it's pazaz with me. Except Disney. But we can't live ion Disney rofl
But anyway, I've been fairly happy. And my girlfriend is back on Gaia.
What have you been up to? :3
And it was your status before, so nevermind~ XD