
LuckyNumber666's avatar

Last Login: 01/29/2021 6:01 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/03


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Hai people's! My name is Mikella, but my friends know me as Lucky. I am currently fourteen years of age, and a experienced artist (if I do say so myself) My deviantart page is
I am indeed taken by the best guy I could ever ask for! I have three sibblings; all younger. Kyle (second oldest twelve years) Kayleb (Third oldest eight years) And last, but defiantly not least, LILLY! (forth oldest. seven years) Who claims to have come out of the devil's butt hole.
I enjoy drawing, singing, and hanging out with my friends. biggrin Well, that's it for now. Thank you for visiting my profile.
^_~ C ya!


I found a butterfly on the ground. It had no wings. So, I poured some RedBull on it and BAM. . . It drowned .___.


my stalkers

Carly Dragon on 05/31/2023
JuST rUiN on 12/21/2021
Left4Bread2 on 06/15/2019




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