Hey Guys!
Welcome to my profile....
My name is Jessica just call me Jess
I'am 12 years old. My country is Philippines.
My Favorites:
Song: Rottara Rottara. Hobbies: Watching. Websites: Gaiaonline.com. Food: Ice cream, cake and Lasagna. Book: Twilight New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Singer/Band: Mariah Carey, Paramore and Buono. Anime: Azumanga Daioh and Zero no tsukaima. Idol: Emma Roberts. Movie: Aquamarine, Twilight and Chronicles of Narnia. Weather: Rain. So if you other question I'm sure I reply....
I describe myself!
I'm going Gr. 6 in school it means that I'm graduating. I love Naruto. I'm a honor student. Short hair with bangs. My height is like my mother. I'm a twilight fan. people say that we are rich even though it's not. I'm a little bit tomboyish so beware..!
My dream avatar so pls. donate....!

Total Value: 4,956 Gold, 540 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
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My daily Journal
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils
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