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littlemisscutie80 Report | 10/02/2010 11:53 am
you want 10000000 gold copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then and log off
iEatMilkTea Report | 06/29/2010 4:54 pm
Lol so funny wink that vid. *jiggle jiggle*
Desensitized cod Report | 04/24/2010 1:11 pm
Desensitized cod
If you like this Copy and paste to 4 other profiles then press F5 for 500,000g
Infinity Josh Report | 04/18/2010 11:20 am
Infinity Josh
yupp why you ask?
Omok vero-ONICK-ca Report | 04/14/2010 8:29 am
Omok vero-ONICK-ca
hi wink nice page.. wink hey i picked u as a winner in the bottle thingy.. smile
iHeartPandas89 Report | 04/07/2010 10:36 am
its hard to explain. i dnt keep track of how much i get but its a couple thousands
iHeartPandas89 Report | 04/06/2010 7:15 pm
ohh thats a lot. well for me. if you play zomg its easier to get gold
iHeartPandas89 Report | 04/06/2010 7:07 pm
nothing. u?
Desensitized cod Report | 04/06/2010 5:23 pm
Desensitized cod
Thanks & okay :p
iHeartPandas89 Report | 04/06/2010 10:58 am

loveydoveygirl99 and my buddies

loveydoveygirl99's avatar

Birthday: 10/18

About Me And My Crazyness.

Hey my name is Alissa or A-cha or loveydoveygirl99 and some of u might kno my older sis kiropi.I like to eat sushi,noodle, and last but not least JUNK FOOD!!!*drools* LOlz. Im such a noob sometimes.Anyway i dont really have much to say but HAHA DARLA MY PROFILE IS BETTER THAN URZ!!!Lmao.Thanks to my cuz Kokoro Kira!!!!Anyway comment me,message me, watever!!!Why are u still reading this???Go already!!!:]
Im bored.
Alissa is getting hacked by Kokoro Kira. Hiiii cuz XD
We should get food sumtime today. Hey hey stop squirting me alissa!!Aha- i have ur laptop!! Ew u bro ate me toe.. Yea i left the book in the bathroom. LMAO. RAWR PANCAKES!!!
It sucks too have a sister somtimes o-0
Desensitized cod