
About Moi
I have a completely rational fear of bicycle riding (Don't ask, it was a childhood accident)

I Like People. People like YOU.
I also have a passion for fanfictions. Angsty fanfictions.

I Believe that I should be able to maim/kill anyone who gets in my way with no prior warning.
I Believe that techo and classical should be able to coexist peacefully.

I Worship Madhavi Mohan/Azuremyst Moth
And Computers (for providing me with fanfictions).

Migets are Life's Puns.
Metal tastes Good.

It annoys me to no end when people twirl their hair. If you do it in front of me, I will follow my above stated set of personal rules (re: you will loose your hair).
I Hate it when People say Zee not Zed.
You guessed it, I'm Canadian.

I have a strange lack of my sense of smell lately (If any doctors read this, suggestions?)
My hair refuses to stay in a ponytail.

A tidbit a friend (Azuremyst Moth) found that she thought fitted me:
A bit of an introvert, I tend to stray away from public places; however, when I'm around friends,I open up and prove to be a very witty and conversational person.
Others are drawn to me by my charismatic weirdness; yet, I don't always appreciate such attention.
There's more to me than others can see- perhaps, too much for comfort.