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Lost Seasons's avatar

Birthday: 02/06


My name is Inconsequential but you can call me Sea. ;D

I'm old enough to be your friend!!

I love Doctor Who, cats, romantic comedies, anime, asian boy bands, disney, cupcakes, and cuteness!

I'm a random writer and love comments and PMs from random strangers! But be nice. Pwease!

I like music and dancing and fun!! But I also have a real job that takes up a lot of time so if I'm ever not on here, I'm there.
Blegh... emotion_8c

I'm a writer and have a book in the works. So I love RPing for practice! I also love photography and graphic design and have taken classes in both, but I'm always looking to improve so any tips are LOVE WORTHY~!!

I currently have no significant other, but just like Snow White said, someday my special someone will find me. emotion_hug

If you've read this far then please leave a comments or maybe drop a message! I can't wait to hear from you!!

ninja Ninja! ninja





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