
Alright, so this profile continues to change...I am still unsatisfied with it.

Everyones got a war to fight. In their heads, in their homes, with their family, their friends, with themselves. Whether their enlisted, out of service, or just the average person. We're all fighting, looking. We fight for health, identity, purpose, freedom, love, belonging, hope. We fight to smile, hold hands, laugh, read and write what we wish, say what we want. We're always looking for some new way to do it. And we fight. For our religion, morals, God and even just to see another day. What makes us do it, load up our metaphorical semi-automatics and pack our invisible bags to fight in a war that people may never see? Why face our demons, our enemy, on the front lines when we can try and tidy them away with our self governing cover ups? I couldn't tell you.
But I can ask you, to ask yourself what your fighting for....And if it really matters to you, I ask you to spread awareness over my battle. I am a lesbian, I have homosexual friends, and all of us have spilled blood, even our own, to gain a place and equal rights in the world. We're just soldiers, like everyone else, fighting to love who we want to, fighting for the world to love us. If this message appeals to you, or your fighting our fight, please pass on my message of Tolerance, of peace, and a changed world. --K.J.

So, I suppose a bit about me would be nice to know huh? Well, heres some.

Nicknames: Mistress, Handler, Artface, Smiles, and Axel. (please refrain from using any of the above)
Height: 5' 11'
Gender: That should be obvious at this point but alright, Female.
Orientation: Again, if you've read any of the above that should be obvious...
Greatest Fear: Needles
Current Relationship Status: Taken
Lucky Numbers: 666, 7, 4, and 1.
I have a passion for: Historical romance novels, poetry, art, archery and fencing, History.
I want most: To never want again.
I cant stand: Myself, Small Dogs, Teachers in Casual Dress at a uniformed school, Crying, Pink Backpacks, Mumus, Hawaii (too bad I live there), Smoking, Drinking, Tattoos, and Pigeon. Thats some of it....
My dream: To inspire someone, anyone.
I need to: Straighten out my life.

Thats all you get to know for now....


Viewing 12 of 28 friends


The Ramblings Of The Soulless Shadow

The Ramblings Of The Soulless Shadow

I'm a writer of sorts. A procrastinating writer. Therefor: My stories are never finished. Which means: I'll never have them published. *Sigh* A girl can dream.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/25/2009 8:53 am


I never comment you....

I wonder why that is?

Report | 11/20/2007 9:40 pm


I have not talked to you in forever, my Puppet.

Report | 08/11/2007 6:42 pm


hi Axel XD

your lucky...he didnt know who that was....

i wanna be cloud....User Image
Bloody Bethie

Report | 07/29/2007 9:23 pm

Bloody Bethie

Dude, I hate the number seven.... It follows me every where.

Look at the number of post I have on my profile. . .

The number of heaven... Do I look heavenly? [Ish furious.]
Bloody Bethie

Report | 07/27/2007 4:25 pm

Bloody Bethie

Bloody Bethie

Report | 07/27/2007 4:23 pm

Bloody Bethie

I changed my hair to make it look more like mine. =]

I kinda exagerated the wavey part.
Lost Like Hearts

Report | 07/27/2007 2:51 am

Lost Like Hearts

Aw, it does Roxas! Its awesome.

Report | 07/27/2007 1:00 am


I love that picture in the corner, awesome^^
Bloody Bethie

Report | 07/26/2007 8:25 pm

Bloody Bethie

You don't think it looks a tiny bit like me? [pouty lip]
Lost Like Hearts

Report | 07/24/2007 1:33 am

Lost Like Hearts

In answer to the guitar question...yes. yes I do. And to Roxas...your strange, lol.

