Lorraine Claire

Lorraine Claire's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Californiaaaaaaaaa

Birthday: 09/02


Posts per Day: 3.51

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ErikTheTyrant Report | 08/18/2016 4:08 pm
Hello ^-^
Toy Sama Report | 09/02/2013 10:58 am
Toy Sama
TranquilAwakening Report | 03/15/2013 2:22 pm
How have you been?? c:
Toy Sama Report | 02/24/2012 4:26 am
Toy Sama
D: there is man

but there is some good action and stuff in there too c:
Toy Sama Report | 02/22/2012 5:24 am
Toy Sama
O: soul eater!
its so showy D8 and grabby xD
i read abooouut 3 chapters of it xDDD

awesome C:
Toy Sama Report | 02/21/2012 12:12 pm
Toy Sama

what are you watching?
Toy Sama Report | 02/20/2012 11:09 am
Toy Sama
8D ahokokok!

ill have to watch it

Toy Sama Report | 02/18/2012 8:50 pm
Toy Sama
O: !

DUDE i was on youtube earlier today and was watching hetalia videos and i saw A FEEEW different parts to paint it white D: didnt watch any
Toy Sama Report | 02/17/2012 8:44 pm
Toy Sama
same !
8DDD or what about e. prussia!
keskeskeskes! 8DD

Toy Sama Report | 02/16/2012 3:47 pm
Toy Sama
Dx oh noes! no huffhuff! just sayin >n<


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Hiya~ *u*





Find the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heart beat,
or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
Wait for the guy who kisses you in the forehead, who holds your
hand in front of his friends, who thinks your
just as pretty without makeup on.
The one who reminds you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you...
The one who turns to his friend and says "that's her"

Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind
Boy: No
Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: Not really
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No
Girl: Choose--me or ur life
Boy: my life

The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...

The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why. I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life.

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle

Girl: Slow down im scared
Guy: No this is fun
Girl: No its not please its too scary
Guy: then tell me you love me
Girl: I love you slow down
Guy: Now give me a big hug
She gave him a big hug
Guy: Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself its bothering me.

In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broken he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him he loved her one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he would die.

User name used to be SarahSilverblossom & oCudos


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