Lord Soulless

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Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil


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Cerigwen Report | 11/04/2008 6:22 pm
I miss you!! ......
Cerigwen Report | 06/27/2008 9:49 pm
? You doubt you'll talk to me?
Cerigwen Report | 06/08/2008 1:47 pm
That's okay ^^; I am doing well. So what's been up with you?
Cerigwen Report | 05/23/2008 7:15 pm
Dar, haven't heard from ya in a while. xx

Hope you're okie~ heart
Cerigwen Report | 05/19/2008 1:17 pm
Yeah, you're right. I most likely will close it down soon anyways. xD I'm just making extra gold for now. I'm sorry you were feeling like s**t, Dar! crying That really blows. And that's very weird... You should get that checked out, darlin. *hugged him* .. Have you gone to prom yet? Hope it went okay for you. Miss ya like hell, baby boy. And those songs are good ^-^

Chu~ heart
Cerigwen Report | 05/10/2008 11:56 pm
Sorry I haven't replied very soon-like, Dar. I just opened a Mini Shop and it's a lot of work. I get at least 2 requests within 5 minutes.. So I had to put a hold on requests until I caught up with the other orders. x_x I've been busy, busy. And it's okay that I didn't go to prom.. just not my thing this year. I normally go like every year, but why not wait until my year, you know? I still have one prom left and I'm actually sort of looking forward to that one. ^^; Oh yeah! You're a senior!! You'll be graduating soon. ^.^ Congrats =)!! You'll have fun.. Everyone normally is in a good mood because it's close to their last days of getting the hell out of school. xD You're gonna go alone? Aw, well no biggy. Either way, date or not: Prom will be prom. Hopefully you don't get any drama, Dar. heart I hope you have the best time! Roleplaying has lost its spark. I don't even roleplay at all anymore. You've been my only roleplay partner since like.. a year and a half ago. @_@ It's sad, but honest. Lol it's good that you're doing your homework instead of rping though. >.> In the end, homework will help you in life more than rpin'. I miss j0r funny a$$! =(

*huggle-rape* xD
Cerigwen Report | 05/05/2008 10:04 pm
Thanks. And you're welcome. xD I know it can be kinda confusing to understand a summary of a manga you've never read before. You definitely should get back into manga, Dar. I love talking with people about it and I know you'll have fun reading them. ^^ Yeah! I remember you telling me about that series. Next time I'm at the high school, I'll check to see if they have it and I'll ask Kayla to check it out for me. It sounds interesting, 'cause I remember someone else talking about it... Maybe it was Jessie way back when, IDK. Nothing's new, no. I've been doing lots of reading... and spending a lot more time with Kayla. Prom was on Saturday... I didn't go. Everyone said it was fun, but I just really wasn't up for it. Meh, otherwise I've just been going to school. Very depressing... I miss role playing with you.. sweatdrop Sorry I missed you on Sunday. I got on a lot later... I didn't see you on. ^^ We always have the worst timing huh.. Well, I'm glad you joined Gaia for me. It's a lot easier to communicate since I don't have to check my email as much now. xD (lazy) But if you don't like talking through Gaia, I don't mind going back to hotmail. Either way is fine.

Stay well~! heart
Cerigwen Report | 05/03/2008 11:36 am
Hey, here's my current (random) playlist. If you wants it. ;3

Cerigwen Report | 05/03/2008 9:03 am
Oh. Well if you don't want to buy any of the VK manga, what I used to do is go to like Borders or a store that sells them and just read them at the store. xD But that's the non-budget way to do it. >_> Hellsing is an amazing anime. I have the whole series of anime. And I would buy the manga too (because it's a lot better) but the damn artist takes forever to publish them and it would be too much to handle for me. Oh, Um, Alucard isn't on anybody's side. He's an experiment made by Integra's father. He used to be human a looooong time ago (talk about B.C. s**t xD) .. He's basically Dracula .. (Hence, his name spelt backwards.. Alucard = Dracula) But yeah, he's under Integra's influence because when her father dies, she inherits her father's estate.. and the Hellsing Corp. So Alucard has to listen to everything and anything she says. He calls her master. xD But he's always picking on her and making an a** of himself. I would suggest to read the manga more than the anime for Hellsing!! ^^; It's really funny. Um, the song on my profile is "Beware" by Deftones. I think it's off the soundtrack from House Of Wax... Or maybe that was Minerva.. Minerva is a really good song by Deftones too. ^^ <3 Lol, I like my prof too. I made iiiiittt. =P

Has a spiffy day! ;]
Cerigwen Report | 05/01/2008 7:22 pm
What do you mean? They just came out with book number 4 of VK. It's pretty good. >.> If you're hooked on it, there's still more books coming out. xD Matsuri Hino is still writing and publishing the manga. Takes a lot of time and work, you know. @.@ I'm surprised it's been coming out this quickly in the states. It's been almost a year since any Hellsing manga has come out. That writer takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to write his books. >.< And they've already made an anime and an OVA of his series. lol It's almost sad. But yeah, at the bottom of that page on Requiem, there's a player and it will say pause and stuffles. It's like.. scrollable. I know, it bugs me too. I was on msn earlier. ;-; Didn't see ya.. Hope your day was okay ^^

heart Bo



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