Hey there! I've seen you've stumbled upon my whimsically whimsical profile of awesomly awesome awesomness!! lol if that made any sense wheeWell, a little about me. My name is Lincoln, but call me Fox. You can call me by my real name if you want to, though.
I am 15 years old and I live in West Valley City, Utah. I enjoy acting, drawing, video games, computers, and having fun! biggrin
.....................................100% Me!
................................90% Weird
...........................80% Random
......................70% Friendly
..................60% Artsy
.............50% Bored
..........40% Nerd
.......30% Hungry
.....20% In lala land
..10% Clueless
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You will be missed!
*is thinking about mashing grapes and eating them*
hm..... e.e
Finally convinced a parental unit to buy some.... or something like that.
. . .
I wonder what GRAPESAUCE tastes like... >.>
I heard someon talking about grapes at xchool today too. >:I
TRY HARDER. surprised