Long Beloved Poster

Long Beloved Poster's avatar

Last Login: 11/21/2016 5:34 pm

Registered: 12/07/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Colorado

Birthday: 09/22


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You want to know me?

Hi! My name's Alyssa. I have been with Gaia for a long time and still seem to have little gold. I think that's just because Gaia has so much cool stuff now.
I am happily married to a wonderful man and am absolutely in love with my gorgeous daughter.
I am always looking for new friends to hang with. So, PM me sometime and we can start chatting! Also, I'm big into RPs, so send me one sometime if you'd like to start one. TTYL!!


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I like to write about random things. It may be about my day or a cute guy I saw. Sometimes, I'll just ramble away. Have fun reading!


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Always willing to RP, so PLEASE pm me if you find any good ones or simply want to have a 1x1 RP.
Avi art compliments of Spiralism heart


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Blaise-Ingram Report | 08/19/2013 8:05 pm
I saw your signature in a comment and noticed you were in my guild... So I heard you like to RP 1x1; what kind of stuff do you like to RP? Also do you prefer a script style, or paragraph style, or forum post style...?
PeachRiot Report | 11/26/2012 3:00 pm
T^T Yes...Yes I would.
But it doesn't make it any easier! XP
PeachRiot Report | 11/25/2012 11:13 pm
I hope you could hear my shriek in...Parker was it?
My shriek of disappointment.
Wailing like a Banshee.
I was looking forward to that post too!!
PeachRiot Report | 11/25/2012 9:16 pm
Pfft. Obviously Elaine. GoSH.
PeachRiot Report | 11/25/2012 7:52 pm
Haha, so I noticed. Awww she's so cute XP So damn adorable. But I'll be posting soon.
PeachRiot Report | 11/25/2012 7:16 pm
Probably a smart idea.. But why don't you just do what I do? I ALWAYS copy my post twice before I hit submit or even preview so I know I still have it if I need to put it down again.
PeachRiot Report | 11/25/2012 6:52 pm
Oh fine~ lol I guess that's not TOO late at night ((Considering I'm the biggest night owl in the world.))
Just don't make it any longer than that or ELSE MWAHAHAHAHAHA*hack* ahem..um..hair ball.
PeachRiot Report | 11/25/2012 6:03 pm
Then WHERE is your response young lady?! D:<
bahah<3 just kidding. Well sorta...
PeachRiot Report | 11/25/2012 2:03 pm
Bahaha okay okay I'll do it. Gimme like 10 and I should have something up. biggrin
PeachRiot Report | 11/25/2012 1:05 pm
<---- Son. I am disappoint.
Idk how to respond though Dx I'm all like "I should respond. But look! MEMES!"

Long Beloved Poster's Profile

Never let the fear of striking out
Keep you from playing the game.

I am who I am.
Your approval isn't needed.

Some people blame our generation,
But have they ever stopped to think who raised us?