
loldue13's avatar

Birthday: 06/10


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well im new to this game but ive been writing a biography on ancient Macedonia and it is a very interesting subject aparently there has been a rather idiotic coincidence apparently greece must be really stupid if they think that macedoina is a part of their country and the book is going to be finished in a 1 year so heres since i just got started on how stupid Greece is and i should know i knew some people who were tortured in that war and im Macedonian so i think that it was a disgrace to greek to be honest if your offended by this i really don't care so rant all you want i know that i have been striped of my heritage by the Greek government if you look at ever since they became a country they have been interfering with the government and even worse they have been descrimanted by Greek citizens as quotes like the region Macedonia belongs to Greece which is stupid greece should be made a state it can do whatever the ******** it wants and Macedonia is not the same Greece Macedonians have dignity and honor Greeks have no intelligent leaders if i could i would annex the whole country of Greece it belongs to Macedonians and anthor thing greece is just stupid in ancient history they think they started it all when athens what was that a place where women had no rights sparta a place of idiots and gay guys i think that ancient Greece is nothing compared to Macedonia its complete and total s**t we beet them we conquered and Alexander the great was Alex the greek so shut the ******** up we bulit the intellectual capitol Alexandria

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emeraldsrox Report | 06/09/2009 9:14 pm
Happy Birthday for the10th



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