Audience, WHAA-What you doing looking at my profile? Well, I'm Straychilde. Call me Stray, or whatever fun nick name you come up with. Obviously, I'm a Tobuscus fan. Don't know who he is? Check him out on youtube, he's funny as hell. Anyway, INTRO OF DARKNESS, THEN REDNESS, THEN-Wait, there is no WHITENESS on my profile. Oh well.Let's cut to the chase, I'm an avid roleplayer. Haters gonna hate! But if you aren't hating, drop me a PM and see if I'm in the mood for a roleplay. Chances are if it's on my interest list, I will probably at least give you a chance. And hey, if you wanna drop me a line on something I don't have on my interests, that's cool too! I'm kinda scattered all the time, so just know I'm in to WAY more stuff than I have listed. Seriously, talk to me, I don't bite!
*A little note on the music that is playing right now, please don't take any of it seriously or offensively. I like cursing, I like rap and rock, that's all there is to it. I'm not sexist or vulgar, so yeah.
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It's certainly one of the least creepy ones I have though >:3
And okie dokie ;D
I don't really have to do anything till next week, when the fall semester starts up for me, so I'll be here all week o3o because I have no real life, I don't even know what that is.
Lmao, yes! Prior to Pewdie, I really liked MangaMinx, she's what got me back into horror video games, and eventually creepypasta. xD
And yes, it is indeed and amazing theme...
I fell asleep last night at my laptop and then remembered that today is my best friends birthday.