ll L3XI ll

ll L3XI ll's avatar

Birthday: 09/26

ll L3XI ll

So who am I?
I'm just like you.
I have a past.
I have secrets.

go ahead, take my breath away♥

I'm far from perfect. But thats alright, cause hun, nobody's perfect♥

Who Am I?
I'm Just Like You.
I Have a Past.
I have Secrets

I am utterly lost. I have no direction, no sense of time,
and no idea what I am meant to do.
But that's perfectly fine, I'd
imagine, because I doubt you know
what you're doing either.

I'm an ordinary girl.Im Lexi. I'm not the type that will
fuss over her hair but will let it loose.
my age is a number. I'm fun to be around,
but i have to admit can be a b***h at times.
Be nice to me and I'll do the same.
This is just a game. Don't get to
depressed over it.I've got a boyfriends ;o
Hes perfect and damnright amazing♥ I'm
kinda a Klutz. Cant help it. >.< There's
a lot of things people don't know about
me, don't ask me. Well, figure it out yourself
bruh.I won't bite.