
lilsamiboo817's avatar

Birthday: 08/16


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heyy im sam but ham would catch my eye. ive been dropping jaws since 1997 and will always. ive been a vegitarian for about 5 years, i think beeing on the beach, relaxing is the coolest thing ever. i have a bunch of friends but my besties are
Malissa- ive known you forever and will never forget you... you rock you showed me how to roller blade, you told me about gaia, and you have always took my side and stuck up for me, you were my first friend when i started to go to CBW and you rock!!
Rachel- in third grade i thaught you were the quiet girl until i brought you home for the first time... you were rocking up the down stairs with all of that radio disney lol ( sorry i no you hate them. ) Now 3 years later, we have never let each other go and we still rock but now to a new beat. you have always stood by my side and ill never let you leave!! your awesome!!
Alex- ill never forget the first words you told me at stokes in 5th grade... " do you want to have a staring contest?!?!" you are the funny part of going to school. be by you and all of your pervertedness is hillarious. Your SIck!!
Brandon- you are sooo funny with our inside jokes like with are arms and we act like thugs of sumthin?? you are very funny in a speacial kind of way. the way that somthines gets me mad... but in a good kind of way. your so funny
Erica- you have got me out of my coop, you broke my shell and let me be myself. i know that when im by you i never have to be anything but me. i love it when we annoy shaina for a cough drop, and we dance in the living room when there is no music lol. your amazing

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