lilniniblue's avatar

Last Login: 12/29/2012 5:58 pm

Birthday: 09/09


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Sup, sweet tits? (; baha.. Allow me to introduce myself. My names Kathrine, but Kat will be fine (: I'm 1_ years of age (Feel free to ask ;D), and you'd think by now I'd grow out of the coloring books, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk. No way, mann. I'd rather dress cute than sexy, I prefer chocolate milk over alcohol, I'll choose Halo over Frogger any day though. I'm typically a bubbly person, I'm constantly smiling or dancing. We all have imperfections lets not nag at them ^-^ I'm very quiet and quite sarcastic. I don't take much seriously. I suppose that could be a bad thing. I really enjoy icelollies, making funny faces in the mirror, friendly people, sunny days, bright colors, and jellybeans (: (: I don't like red nail polish, and people who smell of laundry detergent..
Anyway, Ask me questions if you want to know anything (:


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Bxtch Ik Im Sexy Report | 05/10/2012 5:04 pm
Bxtch  Ik Im Sexy
