We Stitch These Wounds

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No Longer Rocking his Account



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lil_ecuador_WARior's avatar

Last Login: 12/15/2011 1:42 pm

Registered: 06/21/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/01


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No longer rocking this account ;P. Will occasionally come on, barely tho.message for new account

Sorry dudes and/or dudettes, but I'm leaving this account, because I have had for so long and other reasons that are just stupid. gonk If u were one of my good friends on Gaia, don't hold back. Message me for my new account using this email;
XxPunkRockSuperstitionxX@hotmail.com (silly username I know)

So yeah, once again, don't be a stranger.Also, this account will still exist, and I'm prolly still going to come on like once in a blue moon to see if any of my friends are like " wtf, wheres Amanda?!?" so I could virtually wave my hands at them and be like "HERE I AM!!! I love how u searched my profile douche biggrin " so yeaaah. And if anything, Ill prolly even leave u a comment telling u that I'm leaving this account. So, this is the end guys.
I love you all my awesome friends, but hopefully this will only be a "ttyl"
Peace and rock on blaugh

The Army


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TTigerZZZ Report | 04/07/2011 6:45 pm
wutevs, nd OBVIOUSLY ur not cool unless u crap ur pants... its st how life is rite now >.<
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/07/2011 6:14 pm
so why dont we devise an idea about now ? :p nddddd lol it doesnt count, u gotta be the first to feel special >.< nddddd idk, some hobos, are pretty legit, but sum old people, decide its as good idea to s**t themselves etc, nd i dont know bout u but crapping my pants isnt what cool kids do lol.
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/07/2011 5:53 pm
psht oh wow, now im upset cuz iwas thinkini was that special to get an original compliment lol but nah, if im gonna be a grandpa to u, ur a hobo to me :p... nd we need to devis a better way to respond, cuz this msg-a-hour thing takes WAYYYY too long nd its pissin me OFF lol cuz ill send sumthing, forget, nd see u sent somehing an hour ago nd then feel bad >.<
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/07/2011 5:31 pm
lol oh good one, did u come up with that all on yer own? :p lol but ty, but im thinking ur more amazing than me soooo u get braggin rites :p. aaaaand zomg, i got done working out not too long ago, nd i cant pick up my own arms without them shaking rapidly ._. i feel like a decrepid old person lol
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/07/2011 3:28 pm
lol no, i wot cuz im already cool enough >.< nd waiiiit i hate quessing games sooo tell me :p
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/07/2011 2:30 pm
it wud deff piss me off, but legit, ive always wanted to work there, either hot topic or zumies, cuzzz im snowboarder nd skateboarder...AND they have amazing gear, id love my life... nd pssssht, possibly lol... but nah, if u went to the one i wud wor at hopeflly, id st let u get everythign u wanted considering uve never experienced buying shtuff there, aaaaaand i drop kicked a friend today, and i felt like i was asian nd karate-like biggrin lol
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/07/2011 1:28 pm
i hate parents like that. if ur gonna let ur kids grow up nd want them to be happy, how is expressing urself a bad thing. especially when dealing with clothing of all things etc, nd dude... u rly need to get into a hot topic nd buy some things, legit, u have not lived until uve maxed out 400$ worth of clothes etc in 2 trips... lol i love that store so much, if i cud work there, i wud possibly die of happyness.
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/06/2011 8:15 pm
O.O?!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT????? UVE NEVER BOUGHT ANYTHING FROM HOT TOPIC??!?!?!?... u legit have never lived. ever... dude for christams, the maority of my resents, were giftcards to hot topic eqalling out 450$ wrth cuz everyone knows i love hot topic... honestly that place is my LIFE in a mall without a doubt.... thats so intense i lovehot topic nd i cant believe uve never been, nd yea, a lot of parents dont want their kid to go "scene" etc, well from what ive seen, discluding my mom, but nah, im gonna drive up to ny, nd im gonna take u into hot topic nd stay there until u bought out the whole store >.< but nah i need to get some sleep fer school tomorrow cuz im cool like that, but nah good night nd sweetest of dreams, we better pic this convo up ASAP ;p night (:.
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/06/2011 7:55 pm
lol ikr? im loooooving this, nd i only know a handful of people who like bands like adtr but arent a fan of screamo on its on, except for one, and shes my ex lol... but nah, i loooove screamo nd everything hardcore, its that or die >.< nd lol, my mom has no problem with what i listen to, what idress like, but doesnt want me to get any piercings... but im getting my snake bites back again behind her back.. again lol but nah that sucks o grow up with liking aacertain thing that influences ur dressing etc, nd u have no one to connect with interest-wise
TTigerZZZ Report | 04/06/2011 7:46 pm
lol fk yes ik attack attack, im legit listening to smokahontis rite now lol that beginning is soooooo fkn nice i love it, but yea i like stick stickly too etc, but ea attack attack is swwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet