Hello. My name is Stephen but u can call me Hiroshi Machi. I am 13 and I am a anime freak. My favorite show, as u can see is Naruto. I am a big fan of it, ever since my older sister Natsume got me into it.I am usually a hyper boy that loves surgar 2 death and proud of it. One of my favorite meals is Beef Roman with a cup of root beer. Ummm what else, oh I am also new...as u can tell so I am here to make new friends and be a proud, crack on gaia person and hope I can be friends with u.

Total Value: 3,656,433 Gold, 27,500 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Ancient KatanaAncient KatanaAncient KatanaAncient KatanaWestern ZodiacVampire Hunter HatSteel-plated Ninja BandShadow SpiritRock HardLong-Stem Black RoseJoker Collar red-blackElemental WingsDeath Whisper (5th gen)Death WhisperDark Slate Gunner BootsDark HaloCharcoal Cat TailBlack WorkjeansBlack Ops GearBlack Heartbreaker JacketBlack Eye Stripe Tattoo

Hiroshi Mashi
Actually a half demon fox
A school boy but really a warrior to defeat the bad.
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