
Life_During_Wartime4's avatar

Birthday: 09/04


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Appy polly loggies. I had something of a pain in the Gulliver, so I had to sleep.

Not too much to say about me. I've achieved nothing interesting in my lifetime, except convincing people that I need to "start living in reality" seeing as how I have created an alternate universe where I sell milk with obscure bass players.

I am a writer, a painter, a reader, and possibly crazy.
I take a strong interest in Art. I do a lot of drawing and painting in my free time, and when I am not working on art, I am usually reading or watching some obscure 80s movie in the comfort of my studio (Which is a mess). Movies like, Oh say, Forbidden Zone or any movie that in anyway involves Danny Elfman.
I also play the guitar, but I’m still attempting to improve.
I have had a 28 x 22 still life, pencil sketch of a skull submitted to an Art show at University of Milwaukee Wisconsin, Titled “Dead Man’s Party”. I enjoying sketching, but have recently moved to painting still life’s and landscapes (for now anyway).
My Favorite Days are the rainy ones; my favorite time is the Night time.
I'm a lefty.
I enjoy reading. I probably read more then my brain wants to take in, and Dostoyevsky kicks everyone’s a**, as well as Gogal, although I think Orwell is starting to worm his way to the top of my reading list.

This is My Private Life, Come and get me Outta Here.


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Mr Enigma Girl Report | 02/09/2010 11:14 am
Mr Enigma Girl
No, you're the coolest!
Eh, well, we're really just equally cool. cool

The avatar wasn't intentional, but now that you've mentioned it, I feel like making it more partyish! TO TEKTEK!

And...yes. My taste is the best thing ever. Which, since you've commented on it (and not saying "OMGthatsucks" wink , then I'm guessing my taste is similar to your taste, which would make your taste very similar to the best taste ever. That's pretty darn fantastic.
Mr Enigma Girl Report | 02/01/2010 11:51 am
Mr Enigma Girl
An Oingo Boingo fan?

I just came to comment on the Talking Heads related name, but after I saw 'Forbidden Zone' in your About Me...and then 'Danny Elfman'...then LYRICS FROM PRIVATE LIFE...


High fives are in order.
haseo1123 Report | 09/04/2009 1:36 pm
happy birthday! mine is only 2 away from yours lol.
Amarythe Report | 06/13/2009 1:41 pm
Methinx I has no clue what that was in referance to.
Vegas43 Report | 04/13/2009 6:47 pm
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
Amarythe Report | 04/02/2009 6:41 pm
Rachel, rachel, rachel...
Methinx teh itty bitty catholic boyz haz gonez to your heads :C
Dark Mousett Report | 04/02/2009 6:05 pm
Dark Mousett
interesting avi
Dark Mousett Report | 04/02/2009 6:02 pm
Dark Mousett
i found u
Dark Mousett Report | 04/02/2009 5:48 pm
Dark Mousett
Hi Rachel
Amarythe Report | 03/22/2009 6:33 pm

You silly goose. Quit trying to be like Clinton.,, he may make you join his little rock band, XD



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That moon reminds me of..

Dude! You are SO not funny!