
Lemonz-Limez's avatar

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The Lemons that hangs mostly around the GD.


I love my donators.

<3!! = oaj, coz he's always gave me stuff from the very beginning. :"3

-Elder Wind
-Xovox Xanhilita


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Um...ya rly. [the inside of Meeya's brain]


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tokyoyoyo Report | 09/09/2010 6:03 pm
cool avi
Sataric Report | 09/16/2008 2:58 am
*Blushes noticably..* Thank you for your warming words, Madame - I sadly have to admit that I do not have all that much faith in myself most of the time, which automatically gives meaningful compliments and comments in general a welcomed "touch of blessing" somehow - Perhaps because I'm never able to truly see them comming myself..?

Life is full of issues - Both large and small - And finding ways to work them out or get around them is part of our daily routines. Certain things that you encounter, however, is dramaticly difficult to deal with.. And in most cases, feelings and emotions are very much involved in scenarios like that. Falling for anyone is rarely easy, to be honest - And falling for a very close friend usually just makes the issue feel so much greater - So what you have to do is rather simple; Make decisions, choose your paths, and then walk them. User Image If you feel like you'd like to talk about this some more, then please just send me a PM!

Moving on; I am not sure any longer if family life and related matters was ever supposed to be easy, actually. User Image And the same actually goes for working life. The webdesign deal sounds completely outrageous to me; But then again, things are different here in Sweden and thus I am very used to everything always being dealt with and handled professionally. I've never heard of anything quite like the situation you described before - But it certainly doesn't seem right to me to have to pay your employer for a software that they deem is essential for you to do your job - They should supply you with everything, education included, free of charge! >_<
Sataric Report | 09/10/2008 1:45 am
Excuse me in advance if this comment will be rather long, but.. *Begins to giggle a little bit..* Even you had a crush on me, eh..? <3 When me and Mitsuko where still together, she often complained in sweet little ways about how so many girls seemed to be rather fond of me, to which I usually replied that I didn't think that anyone besides her truly cared for me all that much in any way besides just being generally friendly - Not that it would matter anyways, as I only had room in my heart for her at the time.. She was very jealous quite often, and I truly thought that she was overreacting a little bit most of the time..

However, I felt very guilty about that after things ended between me and her, as alot of female friends of mine suddenly stepped forward and told me how they felt about me - And needless to say, it was a bit of a shock to me. I knew that these people cared about me, just like I cared about them, but I never thought that most of them (if any at all) truly had deeper feelings for me, and they had all been really subtle about it. Needless to say, it can be really difficult to know if a friendly comment or a warming couple of words has any of THOSE kind of feelings attached to them.. At least I learned my lesson, eh? Meh!

Moving on swiftly; My home situation is simply rather out of balance right now, and people are arguing with each other alot - But I am trying to keep things together the best I can for everyone's sake. I really care about my family, even if that can be hard to tell unless you know me very well. *Smiles brightly* And I am trying to get enough food and sleep every day to get through life without having to struggle; But I do not always do a great job. My apologies.

Also, a shame to hear about the job that you simply "almost got".. *Frowns* What went wrong, if I may ask? Things like that are usually never easy, Madame - And the key to success is to simply keep trying I'd imagine. <3 So don't give up just yet - Keep going forward instead - And eventually there'll come a day when even you will feel very lucky, I guarantee it! *Smiles*
viet_angel_11 Report | 02/15/2008 1:07 pm
happy belated valentine day
viet_angel_11 Report | 01/22/2008 4:41 am
awww relly?? V_v
viet_angel_11 Report | 01/19/2008 12:24 pm
heyz sup??
DragonLord274 Report | 01/18/2008 4:49 pm
cool profile man! I mean wo-man! lol
amy lee luna love you Report | 01/09/2008 7:09 am
Hey where are you friend

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i n n e r a s y l u m Report | 01/08/2008 2:50 pm
I like it ^^
hakutaka Report | 01/07/2008 2:41 pm
You have the dream avi pic done yet?¿?


What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?
Meeya :: Serving the Gaia Population since 8.17.o7
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