Uhh, yeah, hi... im lazerheart X Dfirst off, thx for visiting my profile. Heres some random facts about me...
-im kinda shy around new ppl... it could take some time for me to open up... but after that i can be rly friendly : D
-im sort of a gamer... mainly nintendo games like Brawl and Mario Kart are what i play
-Blue is my fave color >w<
-im sort of a good drawer... maybe not, like, the best in the world, but one of the best in my grade perhaps...
-i gots brown hair and brown eyes =P
-school is meh worst enemy X D
-... this profile sucks XD
here's a list of wi-fi games on the wii and ds. if u want me to add u, just pm me, and ill give u the FC and stuff. im only listing wi-fi games, which means i have a lot of other games that dont have wi-fi.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Animal Crossing: City Folk
Mario Kart Ds
WarioWare: DIY
Animal Crossing: Wild World
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Looks awesome~