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Hey...What's up?? Oh, yeah...ok, this is me:

NAME: laur-i-mar2468
AGE: somewhere between 10 and 20
LOCATION: in that grand ol' US of A

INTERESTS: sports (softball, basketball, swimming), playing guitar, listening to music, writing novels, a geek [jk, im cool]), $hopping, and most important, hanging out with all my friends.

PERSONALITY: well, not to brag, but i'm an amazingly funny person. no, seriously, i really am. well, according to me i am. anyway, my friends say im pretty funny, so that must mean i am, right?? i am also-smart, tall, cool in my own mind, kind, talented, gorgeous(hehe biggrin ), athletic, funny, and tons of other things that i can't exactly think of right now.


STATUS: in love

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin


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My Life in a Nutshell

Hi!!! Thanks for stopping by. This is a ongoing work in progress...feel free to comment. It can be a little scrappy at times, but it's coming together...just like me.


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-your annabelle lee- Report | 01/28/2008 5:27 am
-your annabelle lee-

e m o i x - o Report | 01/27/2008 2:05 pm
e m o i x - o
lol. what the? k.k. his to you too Laur and Shelb. =] you guys are sooo weird. k.k.
e m o i x - o Report | 12/28/2007 3:00 pm
e m o i x - o
coly14 Report | 12/01/2007 6:32 pm
Lol say hi to your friend who is probably my long lost twin for me.

I'm also suprised someone could like pirates and the beatles.

i thought i was just weird.
e m o i x - o Report | 11/18/2007 10:25 am
e m o i x - o
I DONT LIKE WILL. I thought he had Maria were pretty cute together. The obnoxious duo. That was supposed to b funny. I AM NOT putting a move om him. I know u like him. I DON't k? If u want me to announce that to the whole world to make u happy, i'll do it k? Besides I like MAria. She's a good and funny to laough at without hard feelings friend. I would never do that to her. Its someone else for your information.

PS. I put that post up to get comfort from my friends becuase i was seriously in pain.
e m o i x - o Report | 11/17/2007 10:13 pm
e m o i x - o
scratch EVERYTHING I wrote. I cant seem to erase them, so this is the only option, I suppose. Bye.
e m o i x - o Report | 11/17/2007 9:54 pm
e m o i x - o
'hello robert. this is not lauren. this is...yo mama. uhm. you eat cat poop. and your face is wierd. i heard that you like to ride water. and i thought that was impossible. so i think you need to smarten up and ride the unicycle on land!! :] This is a cool sticky note. Hoorrayy!

Love..yo mama.

ps-your face is still wierd. '

-If this was supposed to be funny, I guess its pretty funny.

-If this was supposed to hurt me, congratulations.

You got your wish.
e m o i x - o Report | 11/17/2007 9:52 pm
e m o i x - o


do u have like a split personality or something?!!!

First, I think its really mean of you to say those things to me.

I CARE about you, k? I'm your friend, and as your friend, I thought that I should ask abotu the problems that you say you have.

And Laur, people care abotu you. If no one cared abotu you, then what are you doing in the world right now?

I know you hate it when I get all religious, and when I get religious at school, its becuase I am serious abotu what I'm trying to get across.

God made us all becuase he cares for us.

Back to earth, You have friends who care about you, k? There's Maria, no matter how much u say u hate her, there's Shelby, Theres me... there's also others that you are just blocking out of your life.

Abotu the spanish thing. I DID volunteer becuase as you probably have noticed, I LIKE helping people out. I KNOW I should have studied, and IM SOOO SORRY about my stupidity, k?

You're jsut so better than me so you probably knew that I was a stupid asian freak who doesn't even study for her spanish quizzes the first time we met in 5th grade.

I'm sorry you thought that I was a stuck-up b***h then, and I'm sorry for whatever issues you have wit hme today. Also, the message tgat you resent to me. I was like, ???

What in the world would make you think that I have something against you? I talk abotu my parents and you funny joke about Will, and all of a sudden, you're like, "I know you have a problem with me...' or something.

You probably had some problems with your personal life today, that's y you are letting out your anger with me.

I'm actually pretty sick of it. I jsut wanted to b a good friend. I have never met someone like you, k? I try to help you out and everything, and I try to b a good friend, but you are just dumping all of the troubles of the world on ME.

I have enough troubles to last more than a lifetime, I don't need you to add to it. You think you are the only person in the world who are hurting. guess what, Laur? You ARE NOT ALONE. I may always be smiling and laughing at school like a happy idiot who has everything in the world, and if thats what is pissing you off, I'm sorry, k? Thats my way of getting rid of my sadnesses.




and lets try to forget this.

if u have a problem with me, then, well, I can't change that.

The important thing is I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU.

No matter wat you say to me to hurt me, I will never HATE you.

So. Hopefully I'll see the happy, nice, kick-a** funny Laur in school on Monday. Byes.
Arize Sagara Report | 11/03/2007 4:52 pm
Arize Sagara
well its always nice finding someone whom i have a lot in common with
JingProductions Report | 11/03/2007 2:21 pm
hihi! ^.^


Peace, love and happiness is my motto

sports rox my sox!!!

love only get one!!!


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