
I am a strange sort of folk.

Really, there's not much else to say. I like to think of myself as dreadfully common and yet uncommonly different depending on which aspect of myself you look at.

I don't necessarily have any true religious beliefs, but if you asked me if I believe in God I'd be inclined to tell you that either the Universe itself is one giant, extremely complex organism or that if God does exist, God is the Tao of the Tao te Ching.

Honestly I love comparing chinese philosophy with quantum physics. For two astoundingly different concepts that came about in very different ways from very different backgrounds, their ideas are remarkably similar.

I enjoy reading and writing. Sometimes. Tolkien always has been and always will be classic. Normally I find Stephen King's work to be far too commercial and made-for-tv but the Dark Tower series, for the most part, is pure genius. Branching out of fiction, I love Robert Pirsig and find Fritjof Capra fascinating.

And finally, we come to music. I have a wide range of musical interests and in my old age, I find myself drifting more towards instrumentals. As is obvious by the name, Lateralus is perhaps one of the most brilliantly composed pieces that I've ever heard. Indeed, it might be THE most brilliantly composed piece of modern rock. (A genre that now-a-days does so little real composing. Especially anything that makes it to the radio.) The song conveys every single bit of the theme through lyrical content down to the rhythm being in the Fibbonaci sequence.

And that, is a little bit about me. At least that I care to share.


Viewing 12 of 16 friends


Lateralus - Angel

Whatever I feel like!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Epicurean Mourner

Report | 07/20/2010 1:37 pm

Epicurean Mourner

Hmmm, apparently so.
Lateralus es Helica

Report | 05/24/2010 6:59 pm

Lateralus es Helica

This would be the new account for those interested.

Report | 05/08/2010 8:22 am


Eh, sometimes it's hard for someone to speak their opinion, knowing everyone's watching. I mean, when you're well-known, people tend to remember everything you say. If you change your mind later, you're screwed; it's hard enough admitting you're wrong anonymously on the internet. *points to ED* Let alone to the whole world. In all honesty, I'm not sure I'd be ready to spout my beliefs to the public, either. Having a well-known opinion is just asking for trouble with the opposing side. It wouldn't be so bad if it were intelligent conversation, but... It usually isn't.

Of course, I haven't seen the interview; what were they asking about? If it was something stupid, like favorite color, rather than whether or not he agreed with gay marriage, then sure, I see what you're saying.

Report | 05/05/2010 12:10 pm


Your avatar is beautiful.
Alexander J Luthor

Report | 05/02/2010 11:20 pm

Alexander J Luthor

oh, never thought of that. and it doesn't matter how "rock hard" his body is either. height+speed= a pole through the abdomen
Alexander J Luthor

Report | 05/02/2010 11:00 pm

Alexander J Luthor

oh! maybe blade will fling him off the roof and bella will swan dive after him?
Alexander J Luthor

Report | 05/02/2010 10:37 pm

Alexander J Luthor

will lazyboys do? *hops on recliner*
Alexander J Luthor

Report | 05/02/2010 10:28 pm

Alexander J Luthor

oh hell yes. blade actually stabbing edward as miguel plays the guitar! XD
C h i k a r i B e a n

Report | 05/01/2010 1:53 am

C h i k a r i B e a n

Goody. biggrin

Ohyez, I feel so very sleepy~ c;
Reflective Protagonist

Report | 05/01/2010 1:30 am

Reflective Protagonist

Haha, thanks. I updated my "About Me" section now.