Last Sexy Geek

Last Sexy Geek's avatar

Birthday: 11/13


View Journal

LSG's last Sexy Man-Diary.

A journal, which is the masculine word for 'Diary'.


Self-proclaimed internetologist and perpetual jackass.

PM or comment me to talk about something..not stupid.

Questing avi art, or someone to colour my current avi art.


LSG's Who-who

Yo, LSG here to ramble and pratter on about himself via text.

I'm taking questions and answering them to do so so I have an excuse to converse with all of you...persons.

Here's a few I'll answer myself:

Q: What's your name?
A: Sexy, Geek or LSG.

Q: What's your real name?
A: ******** you, stalker.

Q: What's your age?
A: Legal.

Q: Where do you live?
A: My place.

Q: Hobbies?
A: Drawing, reading, writting, internet s**t.

Q: Vices?
A: I think I'm god, I hit women, I smoke, I drink, I smoke cigarettes, I pull dangerous and hurtful pranks on people daily, I'm a menace to society and I can't keep my e-mouth shut when I find someone being stupid.

Q: Family?
A: Why?

Q: Favourites?
A: Purple, Gray, V for Vendetta, The league of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Anything that makes jingling noises, a good, old, book, good conversation, ROLEPLAYING.

Q: Anything you like talking about?
A: Serial killers, books, some forms of politics, the vices and flaws of the world and what variation of chicken I should prepare for the evening. Abortion rights, drug use rights and any other touchy-subjects. Oh, Halocaust and roleplaying ideas, i like tlaking about those. If you have nothing interesting to bring to the table, I'll likely ignore you.

Q: Why 'Last Sexy Geek'?
A: Apparently it suits me, according to a close - albeit idiotic - friend of mine.

Ok, anything, it's your problem.



Wish List


I think wasting money on an avi for this gaia account is I'm going to get rid of the things on it and dress it in starter things once more.

This doesn't mean I'm gone..just that I'm simply not interested in spiffing up, here.