
Well hi there wonder kid!
This is my profile, so I guess I'll go ahead and talk about myself, because, well, I can. Let's see, in my spare time, I read and write and hope to someday be a great novelist. I love the winter, and the fall, and I'm a night owl. I like to play with staples and I like to pretend I understand languages I can hardly speak. I don't understand a lot of life, nor do I really try to make sense of it. My honesty apparently can come off as rude, and my favorite color varies between red and blue. Oh yeah, and my taste in music comes from anything I like except for rap and screamo.

I like not being bored, snow, writing, reading being my lazy self, my phone, not getting hit on the heavy things, eating good food, when im surprising good at something, jumping off things, getting hugs

I don't like being bad at things, my hair, the summer heat, when I can't fall asleep, when I can't stay awake, people who use way too many shortcuts on MSN/texting, when people smile just to be nice, sweeping the floor, writers block, stale bread, and ugly insects.