
Laos-kun's avatar

Birthday: 07/19


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Those I have relations with

Sister Vietnam
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We've been through a lot, and she helps me whenever I'm in a pinch, and I helped her during the war. Although, she hasn't been very happy that I'm talking with China again...

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A long time trading partner. Vietnam didn't let me talk with him for a long time, but we've recently started talking again. I also turn to him when I am in desperate need of help.

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.....We trade mostly, but we don't get along very well.....Though we are improving relations with help of the Bridge of Friendship connecting our houses.

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I've recently started trading with him, and he has been helping me out with money and medical supplies.

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I don't like this guy at all......

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I know him from back in the Soviet Union days. Even once he was no longer communist, we still remained friends.


Sa bai dee, I am Lao People's Democratic Republic, or Laos. I don't much feel like talking about myself, but I have close relations to Vietnam, and am trying to improve relations with as many other nations as I can...Vietnam isn't very happy about it, but I still remain close to her.

Official Name: Lao People's Democratic Republic
Language: Lao
Birthday: July 19
Capital: Vientiane
Human Name: Kye Khammahavong
Age: Appears around 19/20
National Animal: Elephant
National Flower: Plumeria

About my Laos
He is on the quiet side, but does enjoy the company of others, though due to a few violent problems in his government he can be a little mentally unstable at times. His favorite drinks are coffee, with lots of cream and milk, and fruit juice, and he never uses or offers ice due to the fact its rather dangerous to use if its from his house. He also loves to eat sticky rice and desserts with different kinds of fruits in them.
Despite the fact he is trying to become more dependent on himself he still clings to Vietnam when emergencies come around. His relationship with the United States and People's Republic of China is a bit rocky because of Vietnam, but he is trying to form some sort of bond with both countries. His relationship with Thailand is quite strained, but is definitely working on improving relations due to the similarities in their cultures.

Unstable Laos
When Laos becomes unstable he takes on the personality of a drug lord. He will change into military like clothing, and pressure whoever he's talking to into buying large amounts of heroin and/or opium for ridiculous prices. He refuses to listen to anyone, no matter who they are, and will often attempt to pick fights with those who are meaning well. He hates being told what to do, no matter how simple it is. The person he hates the most in his unstable state is America, due to his attempts at stopping the drug trade and would sooner shoot him than greet him. He is quite competitive with Burma when it comes to selling opium, trying to sell more than the other country, but he ultimately fails every time.


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M-Ukraine Report | 12/02/2012 4:46 pm
I think you won't even use this account again but if you ever check
It's Thailand, I came to say hi~
Taiwan Asia Report | 04/16/2011 9:47 pm
Taiwan Asia
Why Would I Need Sleep For 8'D
Taiwan Asia Report | 04/11/2011 9:36 pm
Taiwan Asia
Iv Been So Tired Laos ; 3 ;
Taiwan Asia Report | 03/24/2011 6:12 pm
Taiwan Asia
OwO;;.....I-Im Sorry......^-^;; Iv Been Good
Taiwan Asia Report | 03/23/2011 11:33 pm
Taiwan Asia
Indeed *Pats Head* =3=
Taiwan Asia Report | 03/23/2011 9:20 pm
Taiwan Asia
The Hell Prison Guard Item Would Go Lovely With Your Other Side :3
Taiwan Asia Report | 03/23/2011 12:32 am
Taiwan Asia
Yay *Huggles* X3 Now Your Complete :3.......OMG LAOS YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE COOL >O>
Taiwan Asia Report | 03/23/2011 12:18 am
Taiwan Asia
It's Okay Don't Worry About It Anymore ^-^
Taiwan Asia Report | 03/23/2011 12:13 am
Taiwan Asia
Hey Loas Have You Gotten That Elephant Plushie You Wanted Yet ^-^??
North Korea APH Report | 03/16/2011 1:47 pm
North Korea APH
pretty music you have there laos biggrin