haha ikr! xD
if only he didn't ditch me yesterday! ^^
on the bright side i got a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard!
Whats up on your side of the fence?!?!?! xD
read any good mangas lately?
well i moved again [you might already know this]
I joined the speech team
In the novice tournament i got 3rd place smile
I had my Sadie Hawkins Dance tonight
And i fell in love... smile
and tomorrow me, my bestie, and the guy a like and a few others are gonna go to the mall!!!!
[i slow danced with the guy i like!! ^^]
NM... Ive been EXTREMELY grounded due to bad english grades... and tey should sue!!!! awwwwww thats great that a friends likes you like that!!!! biggrinD Thats soo sweet!!!! What happened???
lol IT was indeed very cool to see and it probably hurt him like hell!!!! so intetaingnig thou
OMG DID you hear what happened to bleach?!?!!?!?!? Its horrible!!!!
I've been so caught up with facedbook ever since i moved!!! its really helping me keep in touch with my homies lol
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if only he didn't ditch me yesterday! ^^
on the bright side i got a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard!
Whats up on your side of the fence?!?!?! xD
read any good mangas lately?
well i moved again [you might already know this]
I joined the speech team
In the novice tournament i got 3rd place smile
I had my Sadie Hawkins Dance tonight
And i fell in love...
and tomorrow me, my bestie, and the guy a like and a few others are gonna go to the mall!!!!
[i slow danced with the guy i like!! ^^]
Whats new?
and yesh i got a celly now xDDDDDD
Soo true!!!! Heck! I am even on facebook now!!!!
lol whats new?
OMG DID you hear what happened to bleach?!?!!?!?!? Its horrible!!!!
I've been so caught up with facedbook ever since i moved!!! its really helping me keep in touch with my homies lol