Lady Nymphalidae

Lady Nymphalidae's avatar

Last Login: 04/25/2014 2:26 pm

Registered: 10/18/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Lost in thought.


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"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."

This quote pretty much sums up my view of the world. Seeing as most people today have the same capacity for intelligence as a raisin, even the stupidest of people can be in power so long as the public prefers their particular brand of stupidity to the many others out there. In the undying words of one of my best friends, people are pinheads. Don't take this as an insult, because I'm not saying that every person out there is a total half-wit; I've actually had the privilege of meeting individuals who can truthfully be called smart. It's just that in the face of diminishing levels of intelligence and people's habitual disposition to try to push their opinions onto others while ignorant to the already existant ideas, I've lost faith in and developed an unfavorable attitude toward the intellect of the human race as a whole. Huh. I read over this and realize how cynical I sound. Oh well. I'd be nicer if people promised to be smarter.


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Statements of Fact

These are just my thoughts on random things. I know I'm not always right, but I like to think that I'm right about things that actually matter 66% of the time. Hence, something I write in here is bound to be true, right? Right.


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Naturally Report | 08/14/2009 12:59 am
Thanks ^^
I keep trying to finish this asap, since I won't have any time on the weekend to do it ^^' haha
Good luck to you! smile
KINKY B4NANA Report | 07/21/2009 1:27 am
KINKY B4NANA Report | 07/21/2009 1:23 am
thank you heart
insanely_awesome_witch Report | 07/20/2009 4:06 pm
Thank you.
thatsphucked Report | 07/20/2009 3:59 pm
Thanks for buying from me!
TheLovelyLestat Report | 07/16/2009 12:57 am
~Random comment~ I found your profile through the verizon bottle. I really do like your way of thinking! It's true. People and their thought processes towards life is unmistakingly Stupid! And yes. You did sound cynical. ^^ I like it. XD
Midnight Muncher Report | 06/04/2009 8:46 am
Midnight Muncher
it was amazing of course wink
LunarSatellite Report | 08/05/2008 1:26 pm
Yes, normal. Everyone wanting to kill me. How nice. User Image
DrowningSiren Report | 07/15/2008 8:37 pm
Ah, things are back to normal.
LunarSatellite Report | 07/12/2008 11:51 am
LunarSatellite I don't think I will, in retrospect.


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The clue is somewhere about my moon-obsessed friend's profile.