
twinkle, twinkle little star, how i wonder where you are!

feel free to call me auco or mimi, though most people call me by the later. i've been on gaia for six years now, going by numerous names and personas. i am a role player and that's really my only reason for staying around. at the moment, i am eighteen and residing in the united states, but as you know, info changes as the days pass.

now, as for role playing, you may be wondering what i'm into. well, i am advanced-literate and i love to write. usually i stick to yaoi ( m// ) and yuri ( f// ), though i can do almost anything. at the moment, if it's not apparent, i've become a pokemon addict. i enjoy original characters, mostly, though canons can be fun ( like black ♥ ).

anyways, if you want to know anything else, just ask and i would be happy to answer. looking for a role play? definitely contact me ~

This is the b***h you're currently stalking.