About Me! It's Ryan :)
My name is Ryan. I am 6'3"I live in New York. I am 16 and I am in Football, Track, I do some Golf.
And I party.
And my family has a summer house in Fiji. And it is awesome there!! XDD
And I am single.
My best Friend Aurielle is pregnant, soo I am trying to be there for her. There is a possibility that it is mine, but she has a bf Pat he is 19 also, her due date is January 17th, 2010. It's gunna be a girl smile I am VERY excited! She is only 15 soo It is gunna be hard for her,she is still doing good in school though and her parents have disowned her after she found out she was pregnant,so she lives with her older sister Audrina who is 23. Me& Auri want to name her together, even if she is Pat's baby, we want to name her Kaileen for her first name, Kai for short and Elizabeth for the Middle name,.. Kaileen Elizabeth. If it is my baby, we are going to move in with eachother, I am doubling-up on my classes soo i can graduate this yr instead of next yr. I will tell you guys if the baby is mine when she comes, and I will post pics smile
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