l0ph's avatar

Birthday: 03/24


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Hello, I go by Loph (from Lophelia, my favorite type of coral).

I am excited to be back in this seemingly preserved nostalgic area of the internet, I used to be on Gaia a lot in the mid 2000's, though Neopets was my favorite, RIP.

I enjoy learning about ocean creatures and land animals. My favorite ocean creatures are orcas, nurse sharks, greenland sharks, and anglerfish. My favorite land animals are spotted hyenas, ferrets, sloths, horses, and all cats.

I am in my 30's now and my neck and back hurt, all the time! I also don't have many friends that like a lot of the nerdier things I'm into like anime/animation in general and cute nintendo switch games, I guess I like a lot of stuff considered childish and none of my friends have kids to make them watch stuff like Trolls Band Together and they're all too adult and jaded from living this long to wanna give it a chance, which is totally fair.

I also really love listening to philosophy podcasts and discussing philosophy, but it's hard to find someone to talk philosophy with who.. isn't a 20 something annoying man in college? I particularly like learning more about Nietzsche and how his work has been so influential and also misunderstood. I just find him very fascinating, how he was always weird and had debilitating migraines since childhood, like his whole life was pain basically.

Politically I have always been fairly left, but lately I'm more into anarchism, but the kind of anarchism the hobbits had in The Shire, that's my ideal utopian society tbh. There weren't any hobbit cops! There wasn't a hobbit prison! There wasn't a hobbit king! You know what they had? They had a mayor whose main job was overseeing the post office. That's about the highest level of authority I'd like someone in a society to have, haha. I guess the thinker I align the most with politically is Ursula K Le Guinn, who is also one of my favorite authors of all time.

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- Lophelia Rune


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