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Myself, Kyeojin

Hi, this is Kyeojin, just updating the profile. Alright, I'm now 16 years old, soon to be 17, I'm currently going through my junior year(11) at high school. As of now, I absolutely love history, its pretty awesome. If you want to make a comment, go ahead. I am, and will always be a gamer, my specialty being First Person Shooters, and I'm alright at RPGs. Got a 360, gamertag Kyeojin228 if anyone wants to play me at Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3. Though, most likely if you do want to play me, make it soon, because once I get my greedy little hands on Fable 2... no one will be seeing me for a week. Even if I have to go nocturnal, I WILL PLAY IT FOR HOURS ON END. Alright then, also a bit of a fan of the Resident Evil series, only played 4 so far, having technical difficulties finding the others, and acquiring proper funds for them... oh well. Unlike most of the brain-dead rednecks who surround me here good-ol' Middleburg (haha), I don't like football. Hell, to be honest, I don't much like sports in general. Especially Nascar. My feelings on that are basically this= "OH, THEY'RE MAKING A LEFT TUUURN! AND THEY'RE MAKING ANOTHER LEFT TUUURN! WOW, THEY'RE MAKING ANOTHER LEFT TUUURN!" I don't see how anyone gives a FLYING ******** for people WASTING GAS on making left turns going about 200 MPH. Now, that doesn't mean I don't like racing. So long as its more than constant left turns, like throwing in an occasional RIGHT turn... and maybe some traffic. I do like the Sonic the Hedgehog series... at least, the older ones. From what I've seen of the newer ones, poor old Sonic has lost a good bit of credibility...along with whatever dignity he had. Oh well, might as well move on.

Music is rather different than most of my other likes/dislikes. Namely, I like almost all music. I don't base my liking off of genres. I tried that, but when someone asks me what my favorite music is, and I end up listing all the genres, I finally just said, 'I like what I like, and I bash what I don't. Gleefully. With a really long stick...' But that went on into rambling, from there to insane laughter, and from there to me trying to run through Halo 1's campaign mode on legendary using nothing but the plasma rifle, the rocket launcher, melee attacks, and nades. That got ugly really quick, just like this paragraph is completely off topic. Meh, usually the music I listen to depends on how I feel. If homocidal rage is the mood of the day, Dragonforce makes me happy. If I don't have a mood, some Gackt quickly changes that. And if I'm feeling good, I'll probably listen to 'It's Raining Men' just for the hell of it.

Lastly, me personally. I'm KINDA like your average angsty, angry-at-everyone-for-no-reason-whatsoever-teenager, but I actually HAVE reasons for the people I'm angry at. For everyone else, I just hate off the basis of me usually ignoring what I hate to concentrate on other stuff. I'm the guy a person could go to if they wanted someone dead, if they need some advice, or if they just want someone to have a screaming, yelling, horribly-angry fistfight of death with. I'll be nice to most people, mostly out of habit, unless they piss me off. Not hard, but not easy at the same time. Not easy, in the sense that only a couple of things really piss me off. Not hard, in the sense that you hit the right buttons, you might find that I do an EXTREMELY good impersonation as a zombie, namely because I'll rip out your throat with my teeth. Or maybe a random hunk of skin, or maybe your d**k or something. I'm not picky, so long as it causes extreme pain I'm good. Nothing fatal, just enough to cause massive pain for a long time.

Well, thats all I'm gonna right. I'm off to play some Tales of Symphonia. Bye Bye!


View Journal

Kyeojin's Random Thoughts, Ideas, Thought Processes, and Various Other Things of No Real Importance that Kyeojin just kinda wrote down.

Alright, you know what? Just look at the title. Thats pretty accurate, people!!!



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belo_zero Report | 08/28/2007 7:33 pm
OMG Ryan u gotta put up ur FanFiction in ur journal! It'd be Awesome!
belo_zero Report | 08/28/2007 7:28 pm
Oh my god thats sooooo cool! #2 on ur profile i never knew that but i was reading it, almost, better than when the letters are correct User Image THATS AWESOME!



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