Kyanii Toragami

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Kyanii Toragami Report | 07/01/2008 2:37 pm
Kyanii Toragami
And yet the Technicians still have YET to fix the problem with their servers..
Kyanii Toragami Report | 05/02/2008 8:18 am
Kyanii Toragami
My Apologies, but since our beloved Gaia Technicians can't seem to fix the issue with connecting to the servers cause of the flash updates. I can't spend as much time on Gaia and I trully want. I already did the removing and reinstalling sequence many times and come to the conclusion that it's not my computer, but their server. ::sigh:: Until then I'll be on World of Warcraft hunting down any Alliance that dares to spill Horde blood.

Kyanii Toragami Report | 04/18/2008 7:49 am
Kyanii Toragami
You too! And great news! I found another University Student! biggrin 'her' name's Achilleo and 'she's' really adorable, I hate to admit it but she's prettier than I am.

And I hope soon we all can join up together in the new MMO and share our earnings.
Sinshana Report | 04/11/2008 3:09 am
biggrin Hoping to see you around the university! When I entered the place, it kind of looked deserted (as implied in my "Sinshana's Journey" column ^_^; wink , except for this little boy beside me.
Kyanii Toragami Report | 04/09/2008 9:49 am
Kyanii Toragami
It's alright cookie-chan!
Pico Milano Report | 04/01/2008 10:25 pm
Pico Milano
Hi! I didn't realize you were wearing a school uniform.
Sexy Zombies Report | 03/28/2008 11:11 am
Sexy Zombies
oh..........dang it lol
Kyanii Toragami Report | 03/25/2008 10:37 am
Kyanii Toragami
Well, Barton University isn't an actual Gaia area BUT IT SHOULD BE!! I just made that for my Gaia Comic idea which is called Barton University. And lemme tell you.. Ringlets are HARD to draw T-T
Sexy Zombies Report | 03/14/2008 9:09 am
Sexy Zombies
how do you go to the university?
i mean i got bacehlor tickets and that but i dunno how to use it
Kyanii Toragami Report | 03/12/2008 2:45 pm
Kyanii Toragami
Thanks! I was surprised to see you having a Gaia account as well. I like the story and plotline here and hope I can do my own lik Gaia story someday. n_n


Habba habba zoot zoot! Ebba hooba zud zud ah num num!~


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Is it me? Or am I the only student at Barton University?