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kurohana-chan's avatar

Registered: 10/31/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/14

Occupation: student


Kurohana here
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is online rarely


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xFallen_Angelx90 Report | 07/04/2012 11:52 am
i will gess one of the things she gave me in her will
xFallen_Angelx90 Report | 07/04/2012 11:44 am
it is but my great grandmother was the best she left some things in her will just for me one of them i will keep forever
xFallen_Angelx90 Report | 07/04/2012 11:42 am
im going to go home to america im visiting family in italy i go once a year to visit them we went earlyer this year because there was a funeral my great grandmother passed at 97 i was really close to her
xFallen_Angelx90 Report | 07/04/2012 11:36 am
ok lol i have two more weeks yay
xFallen_Angelx90 Report | 07/04/2012 11:31 am
what do you mean i should not expect munch
xFallen_Angelx90 Report | 07/04/2012 11:26 am
its not harsh at all one reason i wanted a new friend and i love your avi sorry if its akward or if i seem like a creeper you dont have to except it but those are my reasons
xFallen_Angelx90 Report | 07/04/2012 11:17 am
Can i be your friend
Matsune-sama Report | 05/03/2011 8:15 pm
true true if not then they need to have met me in real life cuz if they need me online to have fun in life they are a bit psycho
Matsune-sama Report | 05/03/2011 8:07 pm
yeah i'm not really on here much either just come one to check on friends from time to time and i'm a 06 player if i remember my first character correctly
Matsune-sama Report | 05/03/2011 7:59 pm
lol i am saying i'm super excited you play gaia like me biggrin


The first time it was an accident, the second time was a coincidence, but the third time was inevitable.


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events and things I need to rremember

Well this is a bunch of stuff " I " thought was pretty funny during my life. And then there are just some things I wanna keep and remember like my tek teks.