
Kroama's avatar

Last Login: 11/24/2019 7:13 pm

Registered: 12/07/2004

Gender: Male

1x1, Specific Desires

More * = greater confidence of being able to RP the series (#/5).

Elder Scrolls Universe ****
Fallout Universe ****
Starcraft Universe ***

Have any original ideas or another series you want to try? PM!
(But come with a few and expect them to be shot down)

OneXOne Availability

Currently: Available

I will begin by saying that I desire three major things in a 1x1 that we will plan together. Relationship, Setting, and Plot. (No, not that kind)
The traditional [role] x [role] in which we will each decide what we want to play and begin to make compromises until we find some we'd each like to do.
Next, for any world there should be a description of the land, architecture, inhabitants, and other things in which the characters themselves interact with. Not everything has to be included in great detail, but it should hint at the type of world in which the characters live. (Less necessary for a series based RP but I still expect it)
I want the RP to have purpose, a major scenario incorporating in to the setting. It doesn't have to be specific to one, or even initially related to either of the characters but ought to exist in the background and be something that could drag them in to it be it directly or indirectly.

Below are some details;
» I expect the same literacy (in terms of spelling and grammar) out of you as you can get out of me, hunt in my recent posts to see what kind of RP posts i make.
» 400 to 1000 words (About 600 average)
» Anime, drawn, or game CGI. No IRL or pure descriptions for characters.
» My posts aren't fancy, but they contain a decently cropped IMG, a name, title, and depending on the RP, misc information to the side.
» The previously mentioned setting and plot will be posted in a normal RP style, following with posts of characters in a skeleton-format profile.
» I will be playing a male character 90% of the time. I will be heterosexual though not strictly so.
» I am not against a male x male RP, because to me an RP's goal is never romance. Romance is a side product of the conflict that ensues in the story's wake. Friendship is another form of Romance in this regard.
» I only play original characters, and prefer original stories even within an existing universe.
» I will always be available through Meebo IM if I'm online.
» I will never just quit an RP, but will not detest you if you are bored with me. I would like you to tell me you're done though and not just disappear.

Still want to RP? Send me a PM! We'll set up a topic and try to plan something out.