Krioni Altair

Krioni Altair's avatar

Birthday: 01/31


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Angel (ān'jəl)

1. A celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth.
2. A representation of such a being, conventionally in the image of a human figure with a halo and wings.
3. A kind and lovable person.
4. A messenger
5. A Guardian or protector

And the list goes on and on, depending on how you see them. Now, I will tell you right off the bat, I'm no angel. I'm not a demon either. I'm a human, just like the rest.

I wish I could be an angel, I try my hardest to be a friendly person who protects others and what they believe in.

Though I'm friendly, I tend to be more of an observer. I like to watch others then join them half the time.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. Thanks for takin' a look at my profile!


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iTsunayoshi Sawada Report | 04/24/2011 7:11 pm
iTsunayoshi Sawada
Ah, sorry. xD I tend to go AFK a lot when I'm in Hollywood, sorry about that. Thanks for the compliment~ I have several outfits for a Tsuna cosplay, but they're my own creation given what Gaia has to offer. :3 I also cosplay Giotto on occasions. I talk to some KHR fans regularly. We have a chat thread, and I hold a chapter discussion thread in the manga subforum. :3 I'm really the only one that goes into MTV though, and only a few of us actually cosplay characters. You're welcome to poke in some time, if you'd like. We're not hard to find. <3

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