Kohaku Ushio

Kohaku Ushio's avatar

Birthday: 05/06



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Kiyoku Kurisaku Report | 01/03/2013 3:36 pm
Kiyoku Kurisaku
"I like a rowin!"
"Oh my gawd would you shut up!?"
"Hey! I'm only in the series for fifteen seconds. Leave me alone!"
Kiyoku Kurisaku Report | 01/03/2013 3:04 pm
Kiyoku Kurisaku
"Hey Bob, do you know what I hate?"
"Whats that?"
"Giant snakes that pop out of nowhere and kill ya!"
"You know, I hate those too!"
*Snake slams down on tower*
"Wow, good thing that was the guard tower next to us"
Kiyoku Kurisaku Report | 01/03/2013 2:38 pm
Kiyoku Kurisaku
"Fear my monocle eye!"
Riley Toya Report | 08/16/2012 8:14 pm
Riley Toya
Riley Toya Report | 08/13/2012 9:37 pm
Riley Toya
I've considered saving texts but when we do it we text A LOT... we haven't done that in awhile. My friend even made a thread on here but we never got past adding people/place descriptions.... neutral

Here it is; the first picture ever of Amaki
User Image
Riley Toya Report | 08/13/2012 9:11 pm
Riley Toya
"posts"... Like I said this isn't an online thing sweatdrop we used to rp IRL and then we switched to texting.

I have maybe a million plus one pictures of the characters?... I even have one from that night; the first drawing ever of Amaki.... It's not too flattering but it's not horrible for my first time and in pen.

I could show you her if you'd like
Riley Toya Report | 08/13/2012 8:43 pm
Riley Toya
Well it's not like an online rp; we started when we were about 11, maybe even before. First it was just Amaki, Elzi, and Kiori.... We were actually just jumping on my best friends' trampoline and it was nightfall and we wanted to create characters. We kinda LARP'ed (though when you're young isn't that what we all do?) and made this random storyline with these characters, but it didn't stop there...
Riley Toya Report | 08/13/2012 8:18 pm
Riley Toya
Oh, it's been maybe 4 years... maybe a little more. I think it was around the time I started really liking anime, which I think was around 6th grade? But yeah the story and characters have developed with us and we are very proud of this rp. I could tell you more about it if you'd like, though it might take awhile.

By the way, can I ask how old you are? Whenever I read what you've written your voice sounds sort of like a fanciful lady in her early 20's
Riley Toya Report | 08/13/2012 8:05 pm
Riley Toya
ohhh you meant in Withering Mirror; sorry I didn't quite get that. sweatdrop
I might join an rp I really like with both accounts to enable myself more characters without... I guess others finding it strange and also to make sure I actually use both accounts.

And yes, the first time I felt like making people like crazy. I don't regret it or anything, though, because Fantasy Warriors (the rp they came from) is still our main rp and to this day we rp it and make changes to it to improve it. It's turned into something awesome, at least to me.
Riley Toya Report | 08/13/2012 7:48 pm
Riley Toya
I don't double up on characters; well I did once, I guess....
Though you kinda confused me with that statement...

Maybe If I showed you Amaki's profile, I could better explain it.
Take a look at the right side, where it says "fan-made animes" and you'll see the different "shows" (rps) and the accounts that correspond to them. Not all are mine; some are my friends'.


Casann sí dhom
Amhrán na farraige
Suaimhneach nó ciúin
Ag cuardú go damanta
Mo ghrá

Tá mé i dtiúin
