
kkbubblegirl's avatar

Birthday: 01/09


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Hey my names Karla, drama in my life I dont take with.
you gotta problem with me, tell it to my face. I'm up for any problem of fight you wanna put in my way.
I'm a great person to hang out with when you wanna go, exersize, dance and go crazy, or just be wild flirts. Yes this is really what i look like but a little longer hair and a little less tanner smile




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Hey my names karla. Whats up, for me its my feelings:). (as if drama was my life, WAS) I have a boyfriend Who i love with all my heart!!!

When I look in you'r eye's I feel good inside cuz bein' in you'r arms is like paradise to me<3

You'r my girl tell the end:)