
kittycat1404's avatar

Last Login: 07/27/2007 12:44 am

Registered: 07/25/2007

Gender: Female

Location: RockSprings Wyoming

Birthday: 05/29/1992

Occupation: Babysitter


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HEY! i'm samantha williams. i'm 15 years old and I LOVE ZACH BURKE!!! i have to cats and one demon dog that i HATE! my life revolves around my one true love, Zach Burke. he is my everything and i don't know what i would do if i didn't have him. well, actually i DO know what i would do if i didn't have him, i would die! but since i have him it's alright. he's the best bf anyone could ever wish for. but he's kinda NOT my bf, he's acutally my fiance... and ya... that means we're engaged... but we love each other so doesn't that make sence? we're not allowed to see each other because of my father who thinks that he has to have everything the way he wants it other wise it's wrong. like, he found out about some stuff and now he says i can't ask to do anything with him for a long time. i mean... come on! he needs to get over himself! he was a ******** man whore when he was my age and ya... i had sex with the love of my life... but he's the ONLY person i've ever done it with! he on the other hand screwed any random girl that would do him. so he's just got his head up his a** and can't get it out! but w/e! he can never seperate me and my love! i love you baby!!!!

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xxx13cmpunk13xxx Report | 07/26/2007 10:09 pm
I LOVE YOU MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! YES I DO AND I KNOW YOU LOVE ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13punk13 Report | 07/26/2007 9:13 pm
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!



my lover

the love of my life

I love Zach!!!!