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animekittyninja-aka kiki's avatar

Report | 01/27/2017 3:57 am

animekittyninja-aka kiki

I understand. We've been saving up some money, so hopefully soon we'll find a place and be able to put down a deposit.
Nova IV 's avatar

Report | 01/25/2017 10:52 am

Nova IV

Thanks for buying! Come again! (love the roses!)
animekittyninja-aka kiki's avatar

Report | 01/25/2017 5:43 am

animekittyninja-aka kiki

That is our biggest goal at this point. It's hard finding places that are affordable but not tiny.
Aichi Keiichi's avatar

Report | 01/25/2017 12:07 am

Aichi Keiichi

Thanks for buying ! whee
animekittyninja-aka kiki's avatar

Report | 01/23/2017 5:44 am

animekittyninja-aka kiki

Yeah. Thankfully we've also been saving up money as well. Hopefully in a short amount of time we should have plenty saved up to put a deposit on a place, but we still have to find a place. emotion_8c
animekittyninja-aka kiki's avatar

Report | 01/21/2017 12:36 pm

animekittyninja-aka kiki

Yeah. I still remember trying to figure out what to do when I was kicked out of my home after returning from the army. It's actually a huge part why my relationship with my mother is strained at best.

Thankfully I had Nathan then, and we can do this together now. It just sucks trying to think of what to do in the event we can't find a place in time since we also have 3 cats to think of.
animekittyninja-aka kiki's avatar

Report | 01/19/2017 3:56 am

animekittyninja-aka kiki

It's alright. I'm sure we'll think of something. It's just annoying in the mean time.
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu's avatar

Report | 01/17/2017 11:08 am

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu

yeah, i liked p4 too, mostly because it was my first persona game and i loved the cast, but some of the events just.. didn't sit right with me. besides, naoto could have been a transgender character and kanji could've been canonly gay/pansexual (depending on how people view his character), but they ******** up they ******** up!! that's mostly why i didn't enjoy p4 fully. and yeah! i loved p3 so much more, especially since ryoji could canonly be bi b/c i think he's the only guy who can have a social link with the male MC? and it's preeetty clear ryoji has feelings for them, no matter who you play as !
hehe, thanks, i will!
wait, wasn't crescend the murderer though? isn't he in his twenties? or maybe i'm remembering it wrong.. but i was sure it was him? it's been a long time since i've played apollo justice
ooh, it sounds interesting! i can't wait to get to that case!!

ps sorry for the late response, we went away for vacation from thursday to monday to the country side and it didn't have any internet service :'(
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu's avatar

Report | 01/11/2017 4:34 pm

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu

hehe, yeah! i guess it's the perks of making lots of friends!! ^o^
yeah, i mean, after the dumb stuff that happened in p4, i can't imagine it could get any worse. i just hope it lives up to the hype!
yeah, i figured! i was gonna bring a few hundred whenever i'd go, and i probably wouldn't cosplay just because of how expensive it'd already be!
i wanna get lots of prints, charms/keychains and other merch if i go!! i already have a big collection, but i need mooooore
yeah? i guess so, considering phoenix was still the main focus even in apollo's game :'(
haha, i bet! the circus one was pretty bad, though i rather liked turnabout serenade!!
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu's avatar

Report | 01/11/2017 3:30 pm

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu

haha, yeah, i keep having to move around because of my money issues! luckily i have friends in a bunch of different states who let me live with them while i find a job! it's kind of really nice!! i might have to move again because of that >__< ! good luck saving up for woff!!
hell yeah to being rad! ♥♥
yeah, they'll definitely lose me too! i'm so tired of the dates moving!! i've been trying to play other games to not think about p5 but it's so haaaard
i actually haven't been to a convention yet, but maybe this summer i'll go to some in my area! ahh plushies sound like they'd be so much money at conventions, ugh.. yeah i want to, once i get moneyyy cause they look like so much fun! and really? i don't need to know the story for the first one?
yeah, i figured it wasn't lol
aw man, apollo justice is actually one of my favorite games out of the series? oh damn, really?? i'm just about to get to the 4th case too!! i'm excited for it regardless!!
animekittyninja-aka kiki's avatar

Report | 01/11/2017 3:16 am

animekittyninja-aka kiki

Yeah. My husband and I have been really unlucky. In order to find a place that would take less than an hour to drive to either of our jobs, most places are asking for nearly 900$ for a 1bed 1bath that may or may not have washer/dryer connections-- and that is not including pet fees/deposits. I know most of these places are basically striving to be more like a hotel, but I don't want to pay $40 a month for someone to take my trash out for me. I can, and would rather, just do it myself than add that mandatory fee. =_=
Morgan Yu's avatar

Report | 01/09/2017 8:06 pm

Morgan Yu

That's what happens when you die in an explosion. stare
Morgan Yu's avatar

Report | 01/09/2017 8:03 pm

Morgan Yu

...Well It's better than taking that mask off, believe me. rofl
Morgan Yu's avatar

Report | 01/09/2017 7:54 pm

Morgan Yu

s**t. That wasn't supposed to happen. scream
Morgan Yu's avatar

Report | 01/09/2017 7:45 pm

Morgan Yu

Boo. cool
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu's avatar

Report | 01/09/2017 7:29 pm

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu

i'll definitely get it for my ps3 once i get some money (i;m in between jobs rn and it's Hell on earth trying to find something stable :/ )! i've heard good things about dragon's crown, but i didn't know the same people made that game as well! i'll check that out too then!!
nah, i don't think so! it just means that our interests are more well-rounded than some people who only play like, 2-3 different kinds of games, lol! it's kind of nice too cause i've only met maybe 3-4 other people in my life who are into the same things we are and they're all rad people!!
OH GOSH I KNOW!! i was so ready to play it in feburary! my gf bought the limited edition one too, so she's also mad that it keeps getting delayed, esp since she wants the cool merch!
oh man, they're so expensive but i wanna build my pkmn plushie collection too! i wish there was ways to make infinite amounts of money so we could get all the cool things we want!! i haven't played either of the yokai watch games yet cause i'm still watching the anime! AHH LUCKY! i really want komasan, he's my favorite yokai! :'(
i am too! did dgs 2 come out already? i thought it was just announced a few months ago! :^O
i love SOJ a lot actually! i thought it wouldn't be as great since DD wasn't my fave AA game, but it's really good! maybe your friends were expecting it to be more like the first trilogy or something? idk

and yeah gotcha! i sent you a request! <3
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu's avatar

Report | 01/08/2017 8:35 am

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu

ooh, odin sphere looks great! honestly i've wanted to pick it up for forever, but i got money problems so it'll have to wait!!!!
oh yeah, it definitely is. it's honestly been a while since i've talked to someone who isn't in the 17-19 age gap and that's kinda sad e__e; i don't mind young people, it's just i also want people to talk to who're near my age, you know?
yeah! my girlfriend has all the persona games, so i'm lucky i don't have to buy them! i can just play her's! <3 AND YEAH I KNOW!! i hate that so much, ughghgh
i like it! at least if i get bored of something quickly, i have something else to play!
i have the 3 sun/moon starters, and a mew plush keychain so far! i'm waiting to make money so i can get some more, esp since i want one of bewear soo badly! AHH you like yokai watch too!!?? i have a jibanyan plushie :'D
oh really?? that's so neat! i haven't played emulator games in forever honestly.. if i ever finish investigations 1 & SOJ then i'll definitely have to find it!! THEY ARE? holy heck, i'm so excited!! dgs looks amazing!! i've wanted to play it for forever!!
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu's avatar

Report | 01/07/2017 4:16 pm

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu

it's all good hon! and yeah, heh, that's true!
aw man, that sucks!! the style of the game is literally right up my alley too -- i love the noir theme so much! ah well though, glad to hear it has some good music then cause i'll def check that out soon!!
I KNOW!! i'm surrounded by so many youngsters too and it makes me feel so old! woohoo for not feeling old with each other, lol!!
yeah, it's so fun! i've only played p4, p3, pQ and i'm in the midst of playing p2 on my girlfriend's psp right now! i'm going backwards with the series but i love it that way tbh!! ME NEITHER i love the way p5 looks so far, i can't wait for it's release!~
oh gosh, you've played so many!! some of the games i need a ps2 for so i'm waiting to afford it! :'( hehe, sweet! thanks!
oh yeah! i usually play anywhere from 5 to 10 games at a time so it takes me a while to finish everything, lol
i looove the starters and got plushies of them ;A; i just need to afford the game now. i'm so jealousss
yeah i would be too honestly! i can't wait to play them! and almost, i only need to play investigations 1, since investigations 2 and dgs aren't available in my country. luckily, i'll probably watch someone play it on youtube!
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu's avatar

Report | 01/07/2017 3:01 pm

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu

hehe, no worries i don't mind! i usually just right click on comment back so i can keep it open in another tab!
hell yeah! there's always so much replay value for most games! >:3
i've never heard of that but i googled it and it looks like such a pretty game, esp for it's time! it's sad that it's not good tho :/
hehe, yeah! it says on your profile that you're 27!! which i thought was rad cause i'm also in my 20's!!
oh man, you're way farther than i am then! i'm in the middle of the p3 perspective, but i plan on doing the p4 one once i've finished up some other games!
yeah i wanna play more of them, but i don't have the systems for all of them yet so i'm saving up money for them! i've only beaten xv so far, which was okay but i feel like it's not the best, and i have xiii and x/x-2 as well! aw man, why's xiii your least fave?? ooh, woff sounds great then! i love pokemon and any games close to it!
i have bravely default, but i'm waiting to finish some other games before i play it >u< i play a lot and i'm always watching anime so they both take up a looot of my time
and yeah i heard pkmn sun/moon is amazing, i just wish i had money for it right now!! hopefully soon i can get it! i'm on the third case atm! oh man, i'll definitely have to check the dlc and the skits out as well then!!!
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu's avatar

Report | 01/07/2017 2:16 pm

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu

see?? i don't even need to remember it for that reason, haha
yeah i usually keep every game i buy just in case i wanna replay ! i'll probably replay both games a week or so before dr v3 comes out just so i remember all the events!!
hehe, yeah! i'm really glad you're friendly too & you're in my age group so that's always an A+ for me!!
oh man, i'm actually playing persona Q right now too?? it's one of the many games i gotta finish! ultra despair girls is really fun too, i hope you enjoy it! <3
if you do get it, lemme know if it's good! and it's really fun, i love it! i'm still really new to ff in general, but i love the combat system for it so much @u@
haven't played bravely default or gotten pkmn sun/moon yet but i'm in the middle of spirit of justice too!! where are you at in the story??
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