We shall just call me Kitana for the time being.If you'd like to know my real name, then by all means, feel free to ask along with anything else.
My humor is extremely crude. I'm rather philosophical. I hardly have any shame and wont pretend the world is made out of sunshine and happy dust.
I'm not here to cyber with you or make your e-dreams come true.
My understanding and comprehension for languages other than English only goes so far.
Don't get me wrong. I'm extremely laid back despite the uptight s**t I'm typing.
I'm just very, very... EXTREMELY... and terribly... Lazy.
And sorry to all the Moot fans... I don't take the internet seriously. Too much time needs to be put into that. I happen to have a real life.
That would also be why I don't have obscene amounts of gold or amazing items.
This profile isn't even worth hacking.
Anyway... When I get more motivation, I'll put in nicer things or more information that's probably a bit more interesting than this.
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