
Love Me For What I'am About To Be...

...Instead Of What You See...

I can be very sarcastic, so when you speak to me thats just a "heads up!" Whatever I'am doing off the computer it must not be good! I'am Kirei, age 14 and completely straight, I'am not a racist since I have a few black and whites and few more in my family and I would never talk about my family.NEVER. Things that make me smile are guys who can sing and know it, girly girls and people who say "hun".Things that make me mad is being addressed "baby girl" or just "baby" especially if I don't know you like that. The kind of music I like are just about all but my main kind of music is Hip Hop and Rock. More on my personallity is I'am bit werid so I'am told and I seem to have no talent which may make you think "Everyone has a talent!" Well I really don't I mean "Jack of all trades, master of none." Seriously though I hear people call me evil, shy, conceited, and a very thoughtful person. Even I know it doesn't add up right.
I want to be a photographer, I never take pictures of myself, I never let people take pictures of me for fun, I'AM THE ONE TAKING THE PICTURES SO SHUT THE HELL UP AND DO WHAT I SAY!! I'am no attention hogger because basically I think other people have more intresting lives than I, though once I get bored I have a reputation to walk away without warning or atleast tell you to "shut up". I do like doing kiddy stuff like playing in the sand, coloring or being like a nosy 4 year old. The zoo is my favorite place to be besides the smell and I also like going to the playground especially to get on the swings!
Well Thats Me And That The Truth So If You Want To Know More Pm Me!