I'm pretty sure you're getting better lol ^_^ You shouldn't compare yourself against other players lol XD they might have more experience than you in tennis. When I was younger, I didn't like swimming that much until now. I used to just go to get some exercise but now, it's different.
Lol ya I know! it's just so weird when it comes to piano lol. Tennis... hmm.... I really want to try that out... but it's okay if you're not great at that sport. You just have to practice more to get better at it ^_^
O.O omg... okay, I did skating for 2 years and I hated it XD same with piano. I stuck with swimming and guess what?! I just came back from my assessment today haha! I'm placed int the top 3 groups ^^ yaaay XD
Yes! I agree with you! ^_^ Phelps is awesome, haha. I was swimming one day training for my assessment tomorrow (NOO!!! XD) and my brother said "Do you want to be a 'phan'?! or do you want to be like him?! SWIM DAMMIT!" hahha!!! I started to laugh so hard xD
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