
[Kimmi]ko's avatar

Last Login: 01/28/2010 5:41 pm

Registered: 02/17/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Virginia

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Okay, well then. My name is Kimberly. It's very nice to know your on my page. I like to draw, ride my motorcycle, and hang out with my friends, where ever they may be. Right now I'm going to college in my little lady bug car and I run at the rec. center near by where I live. I also, of course, love to watch anime. My most favorite animes are Yu Yu hakusho, Hellsing, Disgaea, and Anzumang Daioh. As for my future, I have to plans. The first one is to marry my boyfriend of 1 year and 10 months, have children, and to work for the government doing defence intelligence. My second plan is to go to school, go into the airforce/ army and work in the defence intelligence agency. I'm a big military person if you haven't noticed. My mother was in the military, my father still is in the military, and my sister is in Army ROTC. I was in the AirForce JROTC unit of my school. I worked my way up from element leader, to cheif of operations, to the unit's group commander. All in the first two years of the units life. I also used to do Tae Kwon Do, I finished with a black belt, but that was a very long time ago. Well, I think that's enough. I hope you like me enough to add me as a friend. Thank you and so long.

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DemonKyo13 Report | 10/21/2008 5:07 pm
Hi Kim's friends! *waves* It's the invisible one! A figment of Kim's imagination. lol Aww...I'm sorry to hear that...You seemed so excited about it. I know how bipolar people work...and the skitzo's. Mom calls me that all the time. lol Though it makes me wonder...because I do have violent mood swings. Weird! Yeah...I got home safely. Mom wasn't mad. She just wanted me home before dark just in case my car broke down. I'm doing well. How are you? How was your biology class? Was your teacher acting like a know-it-all a$$? lol D@mn teachers think they know it all...just because they have a degree. >8 0 ha! They know nothing of our ways! They are excluded from our coolness! lol YAY! Halloween is only 10 days away! YAY! I'm counting down the days...using fingers and toes. lol Hmm...maybe no toes. lol I'm doing more boring stuff for Subway. Hey...Hey! Over here! *shifty eyes* Yeah...Yeah you! If you move here with me...I can get you a job. Oh- and you can bring your boyfriend too. You can't be without him. I can get you both jobs! *shifty eyes* Don't tell anyone I gave you this information. lol *runs away not even leaving a name* haha Well, I guess I'll let you go for now. Hope you have a good day! Talk to you later! ~bye bye~
DemonKyo13 Report | 10/13/2008 10:38 pm
Yeah...I'm going to be there Saturday and Sunday. I'm visiting Sulye and spending the night at her house. I would also like to see you too. If I don't see you Saturday...we can always see each other Sunday. I'm thinking I'm going to be leaving here early so I get there at a fairly decent time. You can text me when you get home if you want or we can just arrange a time for Sunday to meet up and hang out. ^_^ Which ever is easiest for you. I am a drifter...I go with the flow! lol and I'm not much for the stereotyping stuff. lol Though I can always tell which girls should be naturally blonde. lol Some of them just act so STOOPID! lol Well, I know this is short...but I'm a tired. Z.z I'll leave you a longer one tomorrow when I'm fully thinking about what I want to say. ^_^ Talk to you later!
DemonKyo13 Report | 10/12/2008 11:07 pm
Hey! I'm doing ok. I envy you! I have school tomorrow... User Image I don't wanna go! lol I didn't go to either of my Monday/Wednesday classes last week. I was sick Monday and too tired to go Wednesday...on Wednesday I went to a parking lot and slept in the backseat of my car for about 2.5 hours. Mom doesn't know I did that. She knew about Monday though. I hope your results are good. That there is nothing really wrong with you. My appointment was cancelled due to a family emergency I'm guessing? Bobby's appointment was cancelled too. Mom is going to call back Monday and re-schedule another appointment for me. I should have the 1st off. This girl at work requests off all the time and gets the time off. She's a friend of mine but I'm not sure if I wanna consider her a friend anymore. She's mean to me at work. I could be 3 feet from her and she yells at me to move and get out of her way. She also crowds me when I'm doing something but when I'm close to her, she tells me to back off. She had planned that we go to a costume store and get matching costumes. Well, then she planned to spend Halloween with a friend she hasn't seen and isn't sure if she was going to see anytime soon afterwards. I didn't agree to her plan of getting matching costumes. I told her that I like the ones I have and she got all huffy. I don't go out and buy a $50 costume every year. I reuse the ones I have. So...idk what to do about her. Your mom sent me a picture of your new bike. Looks nice! Vroom vroom! lol I'm going to be in town Saturday and she wants me to stop by...so I think I will. ^_^ I asked for the entire weekend off...Friday-Saturday...I can't remember if I told you that already...lol Cursed failing memory! >_<' I'm cleaning my room on Friday and then I'm going to be in Virginia Saturday and Sunday. ^_^ hehe....Well, I guess I'll let you go. This is one long comment! lol Hope you had fun reading it! lol Talk to you later! ~bye bye~
DemonKyo13 Report | 10/10/2008 11:47 pm
Hiya! How are you doing? Sorry I didn't leave a longer comment yesterday...How are you feeling? How was your doctor's appointment? Sorry for all of the questions...I'm so excited! Halloween is only 3 weeks away! I'm counting down the time til then. ^_^ I'm hopin i have off on the first. That would be so cool! So...how's school going? I don't usually use that much make-up. I generally have some left over and I play with it throughout the year. lol I can keep myself pretty occupied with it. lol I like to use black, white, and red. hehehe! >8 D *Naruto moment* BELIEVE IT! lol I couldn't help myself. lol Well, I'm gonna head to bed...I'm kinda sleepy and I have to get up early. XP I hope you are doing well! Talk to you later!
DemonKyo13 Report | 10/09/2008 11:25 am
No problem! I want to let you know that my appointment for tomorrow is cancelled. I don't know why but it was. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better! You should eat more often. Food is good for the growing body. lol I'm working on something for Subway...I'll leave you a longer comment later. Thanks for the stuff in the trade. I actually have the pants to the set you gave me. ^_^
Kazeke Report | 10/06/2008 4:41 pm
hey sorry bout that I really just woke up after I got home my mom put the thermostat on HELL! and I passed out and had a nice warm nap and apparently it was warm enough to defrost my sweet tea which i had out to thaw. I'm not taking sides but you tend to not want people to pay for you and your real adamant about it lol and I know at times I can be one track minded especially when I'm eating. Sorry about the glucose thing It sounds like fun to me shrugs* SUGAR!!! Well I finally got my decal on the back of the car but my dad said if he were to somehow find out that any one was in the car besides me I wouldn't drive for a long time so I'm playing by their rules for now. hmmm what else ? oh yea it's about that time for Mc D's to start their monopoly game SOB's they never make a ******** board walk piece it's a myth they lie. he he not this year I'm winning something from that damn MC'D's game all those big mac's and supersizes are about to pay the ******** off go Kenyan metabolism.
Kazeke Report | 10/06/2008 12:49 pm
No it just verifies your registration in case they decide they want to cheat , bullshit , or lose your name.
Kazeke Report | 10/05/2008 8:43 pm
I'm already registered I just cant' find my voters card is all . yes I'll finally be driving kinda limited to where I can go at the moment both driving none the less.
Kazeke Report | 10/05/2008 8:11 pm
yawns we didn't go anywhere I had alot of studying I was pretty bored I'm gonna take her to the october fest before I go on vacation. 2mmrw I'm getting my car registered for nova and I will be driving tuesday. I have about 44,000g now so I'm almost half way towards my goal but I still need a serious push to get there in a reasonable time though. but anyways . damn I gotta make sure I can get my voter registration taken care of for 2mmrw seeing how I definitely can find my card hopefully they have something at school.
panda lord king Report | 09/25/2008 10:58 am
panda lord king
ok u


[kimmi]ko...the daydreaming ninja of Virginia.