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killedtears music

killedtears music's avatar

Birthday: 09/08

Who am I?

♫♪♫Hello ^_^. This is Tyler again. I'm not switching accounts or anything but I some how corrupted the current profile option for my main account so I decided to make an account for just music. I will be putting a few playlist on this profile. I will take request for songs you would like to see on here, but depends if I like it or not if it's actually going to show up. Send request through comments or pm me. Again, this isn't going to be my main account so I won't actually be talking to anyone on here so if you do want to talk, look up .killed.tears. and that will be me. I hope you guys enjoy. =^.^=♪♫♪

WARNING: Songs may contain strong language, screamo, and varieties of metal.


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